Volunteers Must Report Campaign Funds in 2024 Regional Elections – 2024-08-04 19:08:57

Member of the General Election Commission (KPU) Idham Holik (INSTAGRAM DOC KPU_RI)

General Election Commission (KPU) member Idham Holik said that volunteers involved in the campaign for the 2024 regional head elections (pilkada) are required to report the campaign funds used while campaigning.

The regulation is stated in the draft KPU regulation in the 2024 regional elections. The issue related to the transparency of campaign funds sourced outside the regional head and deputy regional head candidates who are running in the regional election contest has indeed been conveyed for a long time.

However, Idham said, this year the KPU is serious about regulating campaign funding sources from volunteers and all volunteers involved are required to register with the KPU.

“The issue of voluntarism is an important issue in the development of Indonesia’s electoral democracy, so it is important for us to regulate it, because if we talk about volunteer activities in campaign activities, I see it as almost the same as what the campaign team does,” said Idham at the KPU Office, Jakarta, Friday (2/8).

Idham also realized that the issue regarding the obligation to report campaign funds carried out by volunteers was an old issue that had been raised by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) in July 2016.

“Indeed, from the regulatory side of the Regional Election Law, it has not explicitly regulated this matter, but we as regulators have the authority to try to regulate this matter,” he explained.

Also read: Dismissal of KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari does not disrupt 2024 Pilkada

In addition, Idham also conveyed in the draft KPU Regulation on Campaigns, article 12 paragraph 1 paragraph 2 and paragraph 3, the presence of campaign volunteers has been arranged. So according to him campaign volunteers should also be registered.

“It must be registered with the KPU in the area where the volunteers will carry out their duties in carrying out campaign activities. And regarding this matter, it will be regulated in the technical instructions and the form will also be regulated, so it must be regulated so that all campaign activities can be detected,” explained Idham.

“Because anyone who carries out campaign activities is required to submit a notification letter to the Indonesian National Police,” he stressed.

It is known that currently, the Constitutional Court is also conducting a judicial review trial with Number 59/PPU/XXII/2024 related to articles concerning the involvement of volunteers in campaigns and election implementation activities. (P-2)

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