Volunteer Trip to Moldova: Sarah Loosli’s Heartwarming Experience

2024-01-28 15:30:00

A volunteer trip to Moldova. From January 4 to 13, Sarah Loosli, aged 19, went to distribute gifts collected during the “Christmas Packages” action. Inspired by the work of her Church, the young woman wanted to “see where the packages go” and “live the experience” herself. The mission appears to have been successful since Sarah Loosli, accompanied by the Porteurs d’Espoirs association, distributed nearly 2,000 packages. Enough to warm hearts with some “sweets and chocolate”, but also something to work with “notebooks, pencil sharpeners and colored pencils”, she explains. From Chișinău to Ștefan Vodă via Grozasca, Sarah Loosli visited many towns and villages and was struck by “the Soviet architecture and the broken facades”, she confides.

In her luggage, she returns with many memories, starting with the hospitality of the people. “We were received like kings, with good food and smiles,” she explains, remembering the good times. As for the question of repeating the experience, Sarah Loosli does not hesitate for a second. “Frankly yes I could try again! » she exclaims. However, a barrier presents itself, that of the cost of such an experience. The voluntary aspect of the project involves financial costs. “You have to pay for your trip yourself and the fuel for the buses that go to the villages,” relates the young woman. Nothing to taint the will of Sarah Loosli who prefers to remember the gratitude and smiles of the Moldovans. /vfe-lgn

#volunteer #Christmas #Moldova

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