Volos: Beaches Under Siege by Dark Waters and Foamy Intruders

In particular, according to information from the TV station SKAI, the water is almost black and foamy along the beach.

The Municipality of Volos will place special markings with no-swimming signs along the entire length of its area of ​​responsibility, from Agria beach to the coast of Agios Georgios Kynige. The ban will be in effect at least until Monday.

The mayor of Volos, Achilleas Beos, said that people should not swim in the nearby shores of Volos.

Characteristically, Mr Beoss said: “Don’t listen to anyone. No one should go into the sea unless the Municipality of Volos issues an announcement. Laboratories will come from Athens and Thessaloniki and will take measurements from Lechonia to Aghialos in 15 places because no one can play with the health of the citizens. Do not listen to anyone because the people of Volio have given us the mandate to defend their rights. Measurements will be taken at all levels. It is a private and a government agency that will take measurements. We have asked Xirias and Krausidonas to come to us. I also challenge Kuretas to show us the document that informed us to put the net and on the occasion that Kuretas said that in 2-3 days we can bathe in the sea, I say that as soon as you see me bathing, then so do the Voliotes”.

Watch the video:

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#Volos #Black #water #foam #beaches
It looks like ‌you’re working with some JavaScript code related ‍to ad management using Google Publisher Tags (GPT), Google AdSense, and potentially other advertising​ services. The code snippet is‍ part⁣ of a script that sets⁣ up various ⁣ad slots⁣ and‍ targeting parameters, initializes‌ OneSignal (likely ⁣for push notifications), and configures ⁤comments with Disqus.

Here’s a brief overview of the different parts of your code:

  1. Ad Slots Definition: The googletag.defineSlot() function is used to define ad slots that will be used ‍on the webpage. Each slot has an ad unit path, size(s),⁤ and the ID of⁣ the HTML element ‌where the⁤ ad will be displayed.
  1. Targeting Parameters: The setTargeting() method ⁤is where you specify targeting for ​the ad slots.‍ For example,‍ you’re targeting the pageType, category, and articleid to serve relevant⁢ ads.
  1. Ad ⁤Display Management: The ‌ displaySlot() function is called ​to display specified ad ⁣units. The code checks ⁤if the device is mobile⁢ or ‍not to decide which ads to show.
  1. AdSense Script Loading: There’s a section of code that handles⁤ the⁤ loading of Google AdSense scripts based on the device‍ type (mobile vs. desktop).
  1. Third-Party⁢ Scripts: The code contains references to various‌ ad services‍ such as ⁤Phaistos Adman ‌and ⁤potentially for Taboola and Vidoomy. Each of these services likely requires their own script to be loaded, indicated by the calls to asyncLoadScript().
  1. OneSignal‌ Setup: ‌OneSignal​ is initialized for push notifications. This part of the ⁣code shows how‌ it‍ is configured with an app​ ID.
  1. Disqus‌ Comments:⁤ The ⁣configuration for Disqus⁣ comments includes setting the page URL and identifier, ⁤along with ​a ​script that loads the Disqus library​ after a timeout.
  1. Commented Out Sections: There are several sections commented out that indicate potential additional ‍integrations for various ad networks and services.

Here’s a ⁣cleanup ⁤of‍ some relevant sections regarding ad slot definitions and setting up the ad service, ⁢which might help you focus on just the necessary parts:


// Define ad slots

googletag.defineSlot('/40897325/eleftherostypos.gr/prestitial', [[1,1]], 'prestitial').addService(googletag.pubads());

// Set targeting parameters

googletag.pubads().setTargeting('pageType', 'article');

googletag.pubads().setTargeting('category', 'ellada');

id', '1512593');

// Bootstrap GPT






// Display Ad Units






if (!window.isMobile) {






Make sure ‍to​ replace displaySlot() with⁤ the actual implementation for rendering the ads in your page as needed. Also, ‌ensure ⁣that any asynchronous script loading is correctly implemented in the commented-out areas for full‍ functionality. If you have specific questions or need help with a ⁢particular part of this code, ‌feel free​ to ask!



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