Volodymyr Zelensky rejoices in French at the victory of a “true friend of Ukraine”…

6:39 am: A majority of French people do not want Macron to win the legislative elections

To be able to govern, Emmanuel Macron will now have to win the legislative elections. Problem: the French mostly do not want the president to win the June elections as well.

According to an Opinionway poll for Cnews and Europe 1, published on Sunday evening, 63% of those questioned want Emmanuel Macron “to not have a majority and to be forced into cohabitation”, once morest 35% who want him to “have a majority in the National Assembly and can carry out its policy” (and 2% who do not express an opinion).

In detail, 77% of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s voters in the first round, 63% of those of Yannick Jadot, 55% of those of Valérie Pécresse, 84% of those of Eric Zemmour and 95% of those of Marine Le Pen don’t want the president to get a majority. Conversely, 85% of Emmanuel Macron’s voters in the first round, but only 62% of his voters in the second, want to see him have a majority.

44% of respondents who want cohabitation want to see him cohabit with Jean-Luc Mélenchon as Prime Minister, 46% with Marine Le Pen, and 8% with Valérie Pécresse.

According to another Ipsos Sopra-Steria survey for France TV, Le Parisien and Radio France, 56% of respondents want Emmanuel Macron to lose the legislative elections, compared to 20% who want him to obtain a majority “to apply his program” and 24 % who consider it preferable that “out of consistency” he obtains a majority to “avoid cohabitation”.

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