Vojtěch Kotek gave his son a really unconventional name! Hubert I. Sman Kotek! He himself was baptized as Vojtěch Jezus Kotek! What name did he choose for his next son?

actor and director Vojta Kotek (36) recently attracted considerable attention for his unusual decisions concerning his family and descendants. From the unconventional choice of name for the first son to his own baptism. With humor and courage, Kotek stepped outside the established norms, thereby inspiring the public and provoking a number of discussions. This article deals in detail with Kotko’s novel family traditions and their impact on Czech society.

An unconventional choice of name for the first son

When Vojta Kotek and his wife welcomed their first-born son into the world, they decided on a completely unconventional choice of name. Instead of the usual Czech names, they chose Hubert I. Šman Kotek. However, this decision was not without complications, as the matriculation officials initially refused to recognize this name.

They didn’t want to recognize it on the matrix, because they say it’s not a name,” recalled Kotek in Honza Dědek’s talk show. However, the actor insisted, explaining that the name Šman is beautiful and has a long tradition, dating back to the 9th century. In the end, the Kotkovs managed to enforce their wish and officially registered their son under the name Hubert I. Šman Kotek.

An ancestral tradition

In order for the Kotk family to raise their family tree even more, Vojta Kotek decided to get baptized. He was inspired by his wife’s observation that, as unbaptized, they might have problems entering heaven.

She came up with a theory, which is very true, that we, since neither of us are baptized, that we should also achieve this, because it is quite likely that there will be a Saint Peter up there somewhere, and when we wait for our son, then Saint Petr can say no, he goes to the Hussites. And we’ll call each other somewhere through the grill,Kotek explained.

Subsequently, the actor chose a name for his baptism Vojtěch Jesus Kotek, thereby establishing a new family tradition. In addition, Kotek stated that if he has another child, he would like to name him Jémin, so that he stands at the very beginning of the whole generation.

He then added “If I have one more child, it would be Jémin

Public reaction

Kotka’s unconventional family practices attracted considerable attention and a number of reactions in Czech society. Some perceived them as humorous and fresh, while others criticized them as inappropriate and frivolous. Experts from the fields of sociology, psychology and law discussed the possible effects of these decisions on the child and his future life.

It is a matter that does not have many parallels in the Czech environment. Choosing such an unusual name and subsequent official adoption can have significant consequences for the child,social psychologist Petra Nováková commented on the situation. “On the other hand, the right of parents to make their own decisions in this area must be respected.

Legal aspects of unusual names

The issue of official recognition of unusual names such as Šman is quite complicated in the Czech legal system. The Civil Registry Act allows parents to choose any name for their child, but with certain restrictions. The name must not contradict good morals, must not appear ridiculous or offensive and must correspond to the gender of the child.

In the case of the name Shman, officials were initially concerned that it might be perceived as offensive or inappropriate. However, after Kotka’s explanation, they recognized that it was a historically documented name and there was no reason to reject it,” explained lawyer Martina Svobodová.

Influence on Czech Society

Kotka’s unconventional family traditions undoubtedly had an impact on Czech society. Some sections of the public perceived them as inspiring and a manifestation of creativity, others as inappropriate and frivolous. Experts, in turn, discussed the possible legal and psychological consequences of these decisions.

Vojta Kotek’s approach to family and descendants definitely deviates from the usual norms. This can have both positive and negative effects – on the one hand it can inspire greater openness and creativity in family life, on the other hand it can cause concern for the child’s well-being,” summarized sociologist Petra Nováková.

Source: Ahaonline.cz



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