Voices of Change: Women Unite Against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

2024-09-08 11:36:34

#SBB #Female #employees #report #sexual #harassment

⁣ What ⁤actions is SBB taking to address the reported incidents of sexual harassment among ⁣its⁤ employees?

SBB ⁣Employees Report Sexual Harassment: A‌ Growing Concern in the Workplace

Sexual harassment is a pervasive‌ issue that ‍affects many industries, and the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB)​ is no ⁤exception. A recent survey conducted at the end of 2023 has revealed that around 800 female train drivers have experienced sexual⁤ harassment in the workplace⁤ over the ‌last two years. The survey’s findings are disturbing and highlight‍ the need for immediate action to



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