Voice of Iraq | Group: The greater the destruction, the better!!

Group: The greater the destruction, the better!!

Written by Mahdi Qassem

As it is well known, the sectarian contamination – which spread following the American invasion of Iraq and the resulting establishment of a sectarian system with divisions of positions and spoils, (even if this sectarian contamination originally existed in the past, but was confined to a narrow scope and implicit in many cases, and that is by virtue of Societal tolerance, as well as thanks to the overlapping tribal and clan bonds and thighs of the Iraqi sects and sects) but with the continuity of the system of programmed banditry of sectarian quotas and the atrocities of civil strife and its continuous consequences, this sectarian contamination increased on a large scale, among social segments and groups of the Iraqi components, and the concomitant crushing of dignity Humanism, bloody transgressions, and personal tragedies, remained engraved among the convolutions of the heartbreaking and suffering souls, in the form of new grievances that moved to the souls and settled there until now, to express themselves – at least as a way out – with sarcasm or gloating during a natural disaster, at other times, or through a fabrication. Fabricated news and compound videos at a third time, or by exploiting some errors and omissions to exaggerate them at a fourth time, perhaps with the aim of belittling an achievement, if it happened rarely. Sometimes it is a source of good for the Iraqi society.

This phenomenon: the phenomenon of gloating or sarcasm appears on one occasion and another, the last of which was during the “Gulf 25” matches in Basra.

As if all of this is for the purpose of moral revenge – at least – or to release bitterness or grievances that have become chronic and entrenched due to the accumulations of oppression, deprivation and poverty, or a feeling of humiliation due to the domination of an armed militia or a terrorist organization that imposes their compelling will by force of arms and violence here and there from the regions of Iraq! .

For these, i.e. the group of gloating and mocking, we can call them a group: the greater the destruction, the better for them!..

Because they believe that the expansion of the manifestations of absolute ruin will prove the failure of the corrupt subversive politicians and their incompetence, and prove the validity of their own position!..

This position may be correct in principle, and it is indeed so, but it is not always and in all cases, especially when the issue is related to the fate of a country that was destroyed at the hands of the followers of Iran and the mercenaries of the “56 clans” of the western regions and other loyal and corrupt politicians, as well as the dominance and Absolute control of the Barzani and Taliban families in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

This is while Iraq is now in need of any achievement or vital infrastructure project, as it is necessary and beneficial to the entire society in the midst of this terrible collapse of the crumbling pillars of the Iraqi state from the era of the former regime until now..

In other words, the mistake that the majority of Iraqi society made – including the writer of these lines – should not be repeated, embodied in supporting the American invasion of Iraq, first by hate or rejection, and secondly out of spite for the bloody former regime.

That invasion, which ended as if it was a disastrous implementation of the Iraqi proverb that says:

“She did not have her man, nor did she take Sayyid Ali!”

Finally, we can only repeat and repeat what I wrote in my recent articles:

It is not permissible to confuse a state and an ancient country with governments and regimes, because the latter come and go, while Iraq remains with the rest of the current and subsequent Iraqi generations.

Good wisdom – according to my perception – should not be limited to the virtue of acknowledging the mistakes committed only, but also in not repeating these mistakes once more so that it remains a useful lesson.

Disclaimer: All published articles represent the opinion of its authors only



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