VO Chidambara Port handles 50 million tonnes of cargo this fiscal year

2024-08-01 11:12:24

VO Chidambaranar Port in Tuthukudi has set a target to handle 50 million tonnes of cargo in the current fiscal. In 2023-24, the port handled 41 million tonnes of cargo. The port has a capacity of 81.05 million tonnes.

It is reported that as of July 25, the port’s cargo throughput reached 13.17 million tons, including 2.47 TEUs of containers.

To enhance the port’s bulk cargo handling capacity, the port will dredge the 306-meter North Cargo Berth III (NCB-3) by October this year to handle vessels of up to 14.20 meters draft. Dredging work will also be carried out in parallel with the port’s entrance, approach channel and turning area. JSW Infrastructure Ltd. will also mechanize NCB-3 with a short unloader capable of unloading 7 MTPA within 18 months.

According to a press release, after the dredging work is completed, temporary operations of the terminal will begin using two port mobile cranes with a capacity of 100-120 tonnes to handle two million tonnes of cargo in the 2024-25 financial year.

In addition, the Tuticorin International Container Terminal will have a draft of 14.20 metres and a capacity of 600,000 TEUs, which will facilitate container trade.

To facilitate container trade, the port’s third container terminal, the ‘Tuticorin International Container Terminal’ operated by the JM Baxi Group, has a draft of 14.20 metres and can handle 600,000 TEU containers.

The port is also dismantling the existing conveyor system and renovating three hoppers at Coal Terminal No. 2 (handed over by TANGEDCO) to facilitate lightering of fertilizer/fertilizer feedstock vessels. The terminal has a draft of 12.7 meters. The renovation work is scheduled to be completed by July 31, 2024, the release said.

In addition, the port will install a connecting conveyor at Coal Terminal 1 for barging coal vessels reaching 13 meters draft. To utilize the idle time of CJ-1, the port plans to increase its capacity by 0.72 MMTA, with the goal of completing the construction of the connecting conveyor by October 30, 2024.

To increase the throughput capacity at NCB-2, the port has proposed to deploy an additional harbour mobile crane of 100 tonne capacity to increase the handling capacity by 25,000 tonnes per day. The additional berth area of ​​approximately 5,000 square metres each at NCB-2 and NCB-3 will be provided by backfilling with dredged material and will be completed by November 2024.

Susanta Kumar Purohit, Chairman of the Dutch East India Company Port Authority, said in a press release that the port authority is making all efforts to provide necessary infrastructure for import and export trade for seamless cargo handling and evacuation.

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