Vladimir Putin | Russia Ukraine | A Russian businessman living in the US offered a million dollars for Vladimir Putin | NMR | WORLD

A Russian businessman living in the US, Alex Konanykhin, offered a reward of one million dollars for the head of Russian President Vladimir Putin, “as a war criminal”, in the midst of a military operation in Ukraine.

“I promise to pay one million dollars to any police officer who, in carrying out his constitutional duty, arrests Vladimir Putin as a war criminal under Russian and international law.”the businessman wrote on his Facebook profile a few days ago, in a publication with a photo in the style of the Wild West and the words “wanted dead or alive”

The publication was removed by the social network, as Konanykhin himself, a former banker and former member of the political circle of former President Boris Yeltsin, writes in a more recent post, where he repeats the text once more but this time without the photo, he clarifies.

”As a citizen of Russian ethnicity (he wrote in his post) I see it as my moral duty to facilitate the denazification of Russia. I will continue to help Ukraine in its heroic efforts to resist the assault of Putin’s horde.” states in his reward offer.

“Putin is not the Russian president, as he came to power as a result of a special operation of blowing up apartment buildings in Russia, then violated the Constitution by eliminating free elections and assassinating his opponents.” write too.

Konanykhin emigrated to the United States in the mid-1990s.

Source: EFE


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