Vladimir Putin humiliated his head of the intelligence service: “Speak clearly, Sergei”

the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, recognized on Monday the independence of the self-proclaimed breakaway republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, in the east of Ukraine.

Prior to that, Putin met with his Security Council for each member to pronounce on whether it was necessary to recognize the Donbass region as independent.

During the tipthe exhibition that caught the attention was that of the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergei Naryshkin, who was reproached for Vladimir Putin on several occasions.

“With the suggestion of Nikolai Patrushev [secretario del Consejo de Seguridad] that we could give our Western partners one last chance (…) to present them with this option to force Kiev to choose peace and implement the Minsk agreement. In the worst case, we have to make a decision that we are discussing,” Naryshkin began.

“What do you mean by ‘worst case scenario? Are you suggesting that we start a negotiation?’ Putin with a half smile.

At the wake-up call, the security chief couldn’t help but hesitate, while the russian president He kept insisting: “Speak, speak, speak clearly”.

With a stabbing gaze straight at Naryshkin, the russian president he tapped the table with his fingers.

“We support the proposal for recognition of…”, replies the head of the security service without being able to finish sentences.

“Are you going to recognize or do you recognize, speak clearly, Sergei,” he alleged Putin in response.

The voices met and Naryshkin replied with a timid look and a downcast head: “I support the proposal for the entry of the (self-proclaimed) Dontesk and Lugansk People’s Republics into the Russian Federation. Russia”.

Immediately, Putin he scoffed: “We’re not talking about that. We are discussing whether to recognize their independence or not.” The head of security responded with a “Da (yes)”.

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