Vlaams Belang President Tom Van Grieken re-elected with 97.7% support, calls for a Flemish Front in Federal negotiations

2023-12-10 12:26:00

The president of Vlaams Belang Tom Van Grieken was re-elected to this position on Sunday at a congress in Antwerp. The only candidate for his succession, he received 97.7% of the votes. He took the opportunity to call on the other parties to form, following the elections, a Flemish front to negotiate with the Federal.

The score he obtained from the approximately 2,000 voters present is similar to that of his 2019 re-election (97.4%), he who took the head of the party in 2014 (93%).

µThe far-right party is currently first in Flanders in the polls. Tom Van Grieken therefore sees the VB close to a “historical moment“and calls the other parties”who have a Flemish nationalist reflex” to seize it.

To try to bring regarding the split of the country, Tom Van Grieken also calls on the presidents of the other Flemish parties to first negotiate, following the elections, the formation of a Flemish government, before opening negotiations for the formation of a federal government.

It was only following the constitution of a Flemish government “that we might go en bloc to negotiations at the federal level“.

In other words: first govern in Flanders, then negotiate at the Federal. Federal negotiations (in the interest of Flanders) can only succeed if the levers are anchored in our Flemish democracy and more specifically in the Flemish parliament. This is why a Flemish nationalist-Flemish government is necessary in Flanders and a Flemish Front at the federal level“, he added.

A far-right formation, the Vlaams Belang is rejected by all the other parties, but to a lesser extent by the N-VA which is in principle opposed to the “sanitary cordon

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