Vivre Vert supports the CleanWalker association for waste collection » PACA’s economic and political newsletter

Vivre Vert is a partner of the Grande Cleanwalk* de Paris organized by the CleanWalker association on the occasion of the adventurer Alban Mauzac’s Ride Against Plastic project on Sunday July 3 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Parc André Citroën.

The Grande Cleanwalk de Paris is part of a larger project consisting of 6 waste collection operations organized over the months of June and July 2022 throughout France (Toulon, Toulouse, Angoulême, Thionville, Lyon). The Ride Against Plastic project is a self-guided tour of France by bike by adventurer Alban Mauzac, who will be present on the 6 cleanwalks to raise public awareness of the problem of litter and plastic. Vivre Vert supports the CleanWalker association by providing human resources and communicating regarding the association’s actions.

*Cleanwalk: term used by the CleanWalker association to designate waste collection


The departure of the Grande Cleanwalk de Paris is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Sunday July 3 at Parc André Citroën in the 15th arrondissement. Garbage collection will take place until 4 p.m. During these 2 hours, participants will be invited to stroll through the surrounding neighborhoods and along the banks of the Seine to collect as much waste as possible. At the end of the followingnoon, the participants will be made aware of the sorting of waste by the teams of the CleanWalker and Alban association in order to better understand and take stock of their collection.

In partnership with the Town Hall of the 15th arrondissement, CleanWalker offers for the first time an awareness-raising village around waste. Open to all, the village will welcome visitors from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Parc André Citroën. In this awareness-raising village, players in the ecological transition such as Trash Spotter, the services of the Department of Environmental Protection of Paris, the Fresque des Déchets and the Épicerie Boc’s (bulk grocery store), will be present in order to talk regarding their actions. Vivre Vert will also be there to offer activities and share their thoughts on the subject.


Since its launch in April 2021, Vivre Vert has been implementing civic actions for everyday ecology and is associated with initiatives committed to a more sustainable world. In the case of CleanWalker, its support translates into human and communication resources made available to the association. Vivre Vert communicates with its employees, on Instagram (@vivre_vert_le_mouvement) and on LinkedIn (@Vivre Vert) regarding the 6 waste collections organized in June and July. For the Grande Cleanwalk de Paris, Vivre Vert employees will have a stand and will be present during the collection to support the volunteers of the CleanWalker association.

About the Vivre Vert movement – ​​Vivre Vert is a participatory movement that wants to help give meaning to the food and ecological transition. The project was born in April 2021 from the will of a small entrepreneurial team dedicated to plants within the Savencia Group. The team fully embodies the Group’s vocation “Undertaking to feed people well”. The movement aims to bring together, on its own scale, those who share this vision of a world more in harmony with the living. To echo their manifesto and beyond the products developed, Vivre Vert implements and participates in civic actions for everyday ecology.

About the CleanWalker association – Created in 2018, CleanWalker is an international citizen association committed to issues related to waste. It organizes waste collection everywhere in France, Belgium and Canada. Organized in branches, CleanWalker acts locally with citizens, but also with companies, school groups and public authorities. Collections, conferences, teambuildings, raising awareness,… so many ways to raise awareness and to act at your level for a cleaner planet, because everyone can clean their planet.



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