2023-12-15 20:46:00
The management of Vivalia took it for granted this Friday at the provincial council. Politicians, from all parties, have criticized Vivalia, the intercommunal company which manages the province’s hospitals, for a lack of transparency. We have rarely seen such an outcry, including among the fervent defenders of Vivalia 2025.
During the vote on the points included in the ordinary general meeting of December 19, we did not go far from the blockage (read below).
Of course there was talk of the Vielsalm polyclinic, but not only that. A polyclinic which shows a deficit of around €250,000.
More generally, the MR does not want “not launch blindly into the construction of these polyclinics and wants to put a stop to investments that are not well thought out“, explains Vincent Wauthoz.
Elie Deblire, mayor of Vielsalm and leader of the Engagés group, with supporting figures, defended the Salmian health center. By twisting the necks of a few ducks, including that of a polyclinic more oriented towards Liège than towards Vivalia. Of the 14 doctors who consult in Vielsalm, 9 come from Vivalia. The deficit of the polyclinic is partly tempered by blood samples. Of the 17,000 services provided in 2022, 12,500 concerned patients in the province, adds MP Stephan De Mul.
“We never had this information, even in the executive office. It’s still crazy that we are not informed of what has just been given here“, exclaims Dominique Gillard (MR)
“This lack of information, this artistic vagueness, this crazy train of investments, we have denounced from the start in the south of the provincerecalls the Aubange mayor François Kinard (Engagés).
“We are drowning in a complete fog”
More surprising: the interventions of Committed advisors Roland Déom, former vice-president of Vivalia, and Philippe Bontemps, current vice-president of the institution and member of the Bureau.
“In Center Ardenne, there are a lot of questions that ariseintervenes Libramontois Roland Déom. And today much more than yesterday. There are questions both in terms of investments and human resources (and revalidation). There are questions for which we do not get answers, or answers that are vague, and we are drowned in a complete fog. This must stop. ” And to add: “Perhaps we were not sufficiently vigilant in granting so many delegations [au management de Vivalia]. We voted, I assume, but it doesn’t say that today I would have the same attitude.“
Same story with Philippe Bontemps. Even if he sees the glass half full, rather than half empty, and invites the MR to adopt the same vision, he shows himself “intransigent “on two points.” I have asked for all the decisions we have to take that there be a prior legal note and a calculation of the financial impact. And I asked for the measures that would be taken to reduce the financial impact of Vivalia 2025 in terms of management and investment.
Indeed, we are sometimes frustrated by the lack of answers we get from management. We may have given too many delegations and lost control a little on certain points.“
“A nebula”
Brigitte Pétré (Ecolo) also went there with her salvo, tackling “her” minister Tellier in the process. “My vote will be generally negative, for the location of the project in Houdemont, for all the reasons given in the negative opinion of the delegated and technical officials that Minister Ecolo Tellier has obviously not read (Editor’s note: she granted the permit). Vivalia is still a nebula. Nebula of information, which is failing or even obscuring. Nebulousness at the level of financing of the Vivalia 2025 project, which gives cold sweats to the majority of administrators. Nebula at the level of polyclinics whose importance is capital. “
The general meeting which will be held on Tuesday promises to be tense. The representatives of the Municipalities and the Province who hold the purse strings are likely to demand accountability. And more clarity on future polyclinics and the reduction in size for the future Houdemont hospital.
Voting under high tension: a blockage narrowly avoided
Between the southern elected officials opposed to Vivalia 2025, those from Center-Ardenne and Bastogne who are asking a lot of questions, and the liberals who have announced that they will vote once morest, Elie Deblire, group leader of the Engagés, wonders if the budgets and the strategic plans will be able to be approved at the Vivalia general meeting. He therefore set out to convince the MR (read opposite) regarding the merits of the Vielsalm polyclinic. The liberals did not remain indifferent to his argument. But not from there to vote positively in the Province, while their representatives vote once morest in the Commons.
Solution proposed by Michel Jacquet (MR): do not issue mandatory mandates to the five provincial representatives (2 Committed, 1 PS and 2 MR) who will vote in the name of the council, in their soul and conscience, during the AGM. After ensuring that the three representatives of the provincial majority would remain at the GA until the vote, Elie Deblire validated this proposal.
Outcry from François Kinard. “I am opposed to it, even though I have complete confidence and respect in our representatives. There are councilor votes here that will not be represented.“Namely those of the “southern dissidents” and those of Ecolo.”This is unacceptable, we are losing our voice as a group“, exclaims Guirec Halflants, as Véronique Burnotte gets up and leaves the room, slamming the door, angry to see her political group thus muzzled.
To give the majority time to clarify the situation, the president of the council Jean-Marie Meyer proposes a suspension of the meeting.
Ultimately the MR’s proposal will be rejected by all the other political groups (Elie Deblire abstained). All the advisors were therefore able to vote on the items on the agenda of the Vivalia AGM.
The points listed in the ordinary were almost rejected by the provincial council: 17 yes from the Engagés-PS majority, 2 abstentions from Aubangeoise D. Guelff (PS) and Messancean C. Kirsch (Engaged) and 14 noes: MR, Ecolo and Aubangeois F. Kinard (Engaged). Note that the group leader MR Michel Jacquet did not participate in the vote, ensuring to avoid any deadlock situation.
To the extraordinary, the council expressed itself with 24 yes (Committed, PS, MR), 2 abstentions from councilors Guelff and Kirsch, and 6 no (Écolo, F. Kinard and Arlonais H. Manigart (MR).
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