Vitamins for the body: Lack of vitamins? Don’t ignore these signals from your body | Health

The body requires a daily amount of various vitamins to maintain proper function, that is why when there is a deficiency you can notice a certain type of deterioration, but What are the symptoms to pay particular attention to?

“Immunity may be lowered when a person becomes ill, often with acute respiratory viral infections, and the disease lasts a long time, sometimes with complicationss. In general, there is greater fatigue, “said nutritionist Elena Solomátina.

In an interview with the Russian outlet Vechernaya Moskva, the specialist suggested that increased bone fragility and the inability to concentrate or learn new things can also be possible signs of a vitamin deficiency.

He added that the lack of vitamins can also be evidenced by external signs such as: dry skin, brittle and scaly nails. Although there are cases such as, for example, the poor condition of the skin that can be due to other reasons that are not linked to vitamins, but to other factors.

Solomat also recommended paying attention to some imbalances that can be evidenced in daily habits.

“For example, a person who used to tie his shoes normally now bows and leans sideways all the time. This history can be an initial sign of vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiencies, “he noted.

On the other hand, insomnia and irritability can also be caused by a lack of vitamins and cause a person to lose the ability to communicate properly.

Solomat stressed that many of the symptoms can easily be confused with other diseases, That is why the most advisable thing is to have good eating habits, see a doctor and have the appropriate tests performed to determine the origin of these symptoms.

“It must be a complete diet for all the basic things that we take from there. Food must be varied, since different products contain different amounts of vitamins. It is not necessary to delve unnecessarily in the vegetarianism, the veganism, the raw food and the monodiet “, he emphasized.

On the other hand, he indicated that it is not a good idea to take vitamin complexes by yourself. It is more harmful for the body to increase the dose, which can lead to a vitamin overdose, which would be even worse than a deficiency, he concluded.

Read the full and original note at Sputnik.



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