Vitamin D: unusual facts

Usually known for its bone health benefits, what do we really know regarding vitamin D? Here is 5 unusual facts to know.

Vitamin D is not a vitamin



Although commonly identified as such, unlike other vitamins, it is produced by the human body. For this reason, it is often compared to a hormone, a substance synthesized inside our body. Present in very few foods, it needs to be transformed by the body to be used.

Cod Liver Oil Wins Gold in Vitamin D

As the name suggests, this oil is extracted from the liver of cod, more commonly known as cod. Usually perceived as a medicine, this oil can also be eat in the kitchen.

The sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D is metabolized by our body through sunbeams that transform it. However, especially in summer, it is necessary to protect yourself from the rays UVA and UVB considered dangerous for the health of the skin. It would seem that sunscreens have an impact on this process.

A beautiful smile

The main function of vitamin D is to guarantee the production and absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. In addition to contributing to the good development of the skeleton in children and to the bone strength in adults, the association of these two minerals represents one of the main factors for the oral health.

How to know your vitamin D level

Vitamin D is systematically prescribed to certain categories of people, in particular infants or the elderly. Nevertheless the vitamin D deficiency can affect anyone. Apart from the most well-known symptoms, it is sometimes more complex to detect the lack of this vitamin. In these cases, a blood test is possible.



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