Vitamin D supplementation helps reduce dementia

Study: Vitamin D supplements help reduce dementia


The “sunshine vitamin” plays an important role in many vital functions such as immune response and bone strength. A new study reveals a new “benefit” of taking vitamin D supplements.

A study conducted by researchers from the United Kingdom and Canada revealed that vitamin D supplementation helps reduce the chances of dementia. The study was published in the scientific journal Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, specialized in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, as stated in the German version of Business Insider.

The study included 12,000 people with an average age of 71 years, and all of them did not show any symptoms of dementia at the beginning of the study.

Ten years following the study began, nearly 2,670 of the study participants had developed dementia. Twenty-five percent of them took vitamin D supplements, while regarding 75 percent did not.

Researchers found that the group of participants who took a vitamin D supplement had 40 fewer strokes than those who did not take it.

Skepticism and previous studies

However, some experts pointed to the limitations of the study and its inability to establish a link between intake Vitamin D supplements and avoiding dementia. Among their concerns regarding the study is that it did not take into account other ways to obtain vitamin D, such as sunlight and light.

Previous research has revealed a link between low vitamin D levels and dementia. An Australian analysis last year, using data from 300,000 people, found that low levels of vitamin D were associated with an increased risk of dementia and stroke.

In December, a study conducted by a research team from Tufts University, USA, concluded that high levels of vitamin D in the brain help improve human mental functions.

It is known that vitamin D plays an important role in many vital functions of the body, such as the immune response and strengthening of bones, and this vitamin can be obtained by taking Foods Such as fish or some drinks such as milk and orange juice, and exposure to the sun for sufficient periods contributes to the formation of vitamin D in the body.


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Limit TV time and computer use an hour a day. And during this hour, walk in the open air, as this helps in burning calories and clearing the mind. Writer: Ibtisam Fawzy



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