2023-06-17 05:51:05
Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells and DNA materials, and its deficiency may cause nerve damage. There are a group of symptoms that you should pay attention to because they may warn of your vitamin B12 deficiency, so what are they?
If you suffer from a deficiency in vitamin B12, this may cause you health damage, as vitamins, as we know, are among the basic substances that control the vital functions in our bodies. And it evolves Vitamin B12 deficiency slowly in the body and so often a long period of time passes without our noticing it.
Vitamin B12 is not a single vitamin, but rather a group of compounds that have the same effect. It is also called “cobalamin”, which are essential substances for the body and play a central role in the formation of red blood cells and DNA materials. It also has a positive effect on cell division and the breakdown of some fatty acids, as the German Nutrition Society (DGE) explains.
Symptoms of vitamin deficiency B12
The liver is the main storehouse of vitamin B12, where reserves of this vitamin are stored for three to four years. Therefore, it may take a long time to feel the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency because this deficiency develops gradually and is not usually noticed until the nerves have already been damaged. However, there are some symptoms that should be considered and taken seriously
Among the symptoms that appear on the body and warn of a deficiency in vitamin B12 are burning tongue, permanent fatigue, lack of concentration, memory loss, headache and mood swings, as the German infranken.de website explains.
The main cause of these symptoms is Anemia caused by a vitamin deficiencyB12. Red blood cells cannot be formed if there is not enough vitamin B12. The vitamin activates some enzymes that are later converted into hemoglobin which in turn is the protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.
So if the body does not get enough vitamin B12 a whole chain reaction begins: too little hemoglobin and therefore too few red blood cells. This can develop into anemia or anemia, with accompanying symptoms such as constant fatigue, weakness, pallor, dizziness, or a high heart rate.
The body’s vitamin needs B12
According to the German Society for Nutrition, the daily requirement of vitamin B12 for young people from the age of 13 and for adults is 4 micrograms. For example, 100 grams of mountain cheese contains regarding 0.81 micrograms of vitamin B12. While meat and fish in particular contain a high percentage of this vitamin. Salmon contains between 2 and 3 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams.
Another cause of vitamin B12 deficiency lies in the stomach. In order for the body to absorb vitamin B12 from food, it needs a special type of protein. This protein is formed in the stomach. And this mechanism can be disrupted in the case of chronic digestive diseases or following surgical interventions, and therefore in this case a deficiency in vitamin B12 can occur in the body despite a correct diet, as the German website infranken.de explains.
Prevention of vitamin deficiency B12
At the first stage of the appearance of signsNerve damage Vitamin B12 deficiency is often modifiable, but this becomes difficult following months or years of vitamin B12 deficiency. Therefore, a doctor should be consulted when the first symptoms of nerve damage appear, as a vitamin B12 test can then be done to ensure the level of this vitamin in the body.
The specialist doctor will determine whether there is a need to take B12 supplements, which should not be taken except following medical advice and according to the dose determined by the doctor.
The ten most important vitamins for a healthy body
Vitamin A”
We owe our ability to see day and night to the action of Vitamin A. It also protects the body’s skin from the risk of ultraviolet rays. It controls bone growth. An adult person needs 0.8 to 1 milligram of it per day. The vitamin is found in carrots, chicken meat, and veal liver.
The ten most important vitamins for a healthy body
Vitamin Biotin is responsible for metabolic processes, and for healthy skin, nails and hair. One needs between 30 to 60 micrograms daily. Its deficiency leads to hair loss, skin infections, lack of appetite, dizziness and even signs of depression. It is found in egg yolks, peanuts (pistachios), and carrots.
The ten most important vitamins for a healthy body
Important for making energy, for the functioning of the nervous system, and for building blood. A person needs between 0.6 to 1.4 milligrams per day. Its deficiency can lead to blood deficiency, an imbalance in blood sugar exchange, and confusion in the transmission of nerve signals. It is abundant in soybeans.
The ten most important vitamins for a healthy body
It is sometimes called pyridoxine and plays an important role in the building of proteins and the exchange of sugar in the blood. And we need between 1 to 1.5 milligrams of it per day in order to maintain our health. Its deficiency leads to loss of appetite, blood deficiency and dermatitis. It is abundant in soybeans, sardines and potatoes.
The ten most important vitamins for a healthy body
B 12
Or (Cobalmin) is important for building blood, cell division, and the nervous system. Children need regarding 2 mcg and adults need 3 mcg. Available in high-fat cheese and herring.
The ten most important vitamins for a healthy body
The popular vitamin C protects cells from harmful particles and is important for iron uptake in the intestines. Responsible for strengthening and building bones and exchanging blood cholesterol. We need 100 milligrams per day. Its deficiency leads to rapid infection with colds, infections, bleeding gums, tooth loss, poor blood flow, arthritis and muscle weakness. And parsley is rich in it.
The ten most important vitamins for a healthy body
Vitamin responsible for building and strengthening bones and for the functioning of muscles and nerves. Vitamin D is produced by sunlight falling on the skin. And we need 20 micrograms of it daily. Chicken eggs, salmon and some fish contain a large amount of it.
The ten most important vitamins for a healthy body
Important for the body’s immune system. Captures harmful objects and destroys them. It is also important in metabolism and for the functioning of the nervous system. We need 12 milligrams of it daily. Olive oil contains a large amount of it.
The ten most important vitamins for a healthy body
in order to
In the event of an injury or an operation, the non-stop bleeding often occurs due to a deficiency of this vitamin. Daily men need 80 micrograms, women 65 micrograms, and children 10 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. It is available in spinach.
The ten most important vitamins for a healthy body
folic acid
gene vitamin. It plays a role in building DNA. In addition to multiplying cells in the body, building the nervous system, and building blood. And its deficiency during pregnancy can lead to incomplete nervous system of the fetus. Sunflower, eggs and chicken liver contain large amounts of it.
#Symptoms #indicating #vitamin #B12 #deficiency.