Visual Adverse Effects of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid®): Risks, Precautions, and Reporting

2023-07-04 21:16:21

Clomiphene citrate (Clomid®), prescribed in cases of fertility disorders in women, is known to cause visual adverse effects such as scotoma (stain in the visual field), blurred vision or even phosphenes (flash in the visual field). More recently, new safety data have highlighted new visual effects: optic neuritis, ischemic optic neuropathy, central retinal vein occlusion, retinal detachment and vitreous detachment. In some cases, these side effects lead to partial or total blindness which does not always resolve following stopping treatment.

The mechanism at the origin of these disorders is not known and no risk factor has been identified, which makes it impossible to anticipate their appearance. It should be noted, however, that a duration of use and a dosage exceeding the recommendations have been reported in a few cases.

Educate patients

It is important to make patients aware of these visual risks so that they immediately interrupt their treatment and quickly contact their doctor at the slightest sensation of visual deterioration or if they experience any unusual visual discomfort. It is important to insist on respecting the dose and duration of treatment.

In case of visual disturbances appearing under treatment, a complete ophthalmological examination is necessary. If no other cause is identified, treatment with clomiphene should be permanently discontinued: a history of visual disturbances associated with the use of this molecule is a contraindication for this treatment.

Report side effects

Any undesirable effect under treatment must be declared on the dedicated portal of the Ministry of Health.

#Clomid #beware #risk #blindness



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