Visiting Rabat Josep Borrell wants to strengthen the exceptional strategic partnership between Morocco and the EU.

By Hassan Alaoui

The first visit to Morocco by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, begins on Thursday 5 January. It is placed within the framework of regular institutionalized contacts between Morocco and the European Union and will last two days in accordance with the Joint Political Declaration, adopted in June 2019, which set up roughly a “Euro-Moroccan Partnership for Shared Prosperity » structured around four parameters: policy and security; the economy; values ​​and knowledge. It is appropriate to add to this ambitious plan the environment and the migration policy which is more and more what the criterion of an efficient partnership is to the strength of the building.

Mr. Josep Borrell is thus making his first visit to Morocco as HRVP within the framework of regular scheduled meetings, but above all illustrated by the visit to Morocco of 6 members of the College of Commissioners during the year 2022 alone, including that of the President from the European Commission Ursula von der Layen who not only expressed her joy at being in Morocco, but welcomed the development of relations between our country and the European Union. In particular, she underlined the European Union’s commitment to strengthening the reference partnership with the Kingdom of Morocco, implemented for years and part of a tradition of cooperation established for fifty years and which, according to Josep Borrell himself, “reflects Morocco’s dynamism and longstanding engagement with the European Union in the Euro-Mediterranean space”.

Now, this partnership requires both broadening and depth. And the HR/VP’s visit to Morocco is part of a spirit of strategic reinforcement that goes in the direction of a continental opening, towards Africa in particular, Morocco being today the unavoidable major player in the continent. Within the framework of this postulate, the two senior officials, Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad and Mr. Borrell will discuss bilateral relations, putting their finger on the subjects of interest. common understanding, analyzing the new context that has arisen in recent years, marked by the war in Ukraine, immigration flows, economic and financial partnerships and the examination of this cardinal principle which is the “good neighbor policy” to which both sides hold so much. It should be emphasized in this regard that, from the outset, Morocco was part of its implementation, the commitment and exemplary nature of the Kingdom of which the European Union has continued to regularly salute. The two parties have become, since November 2020, on the occasion of the ministerial meeting in Barcelona devoted to “good neighbourliness”, two strong pillars of a new strategy and in a way the pro-domo advocates of its revision. Which, following intense talks on this occasion on this subject between Nasser Bourita of Josep Borrell, made the latter say: “We are counting on Morocco to continue to play a leading role, through its involvement in dialogues and actions envisaged as in the green transition, the management of migration and the policy of social inclusion…”

A dozen central subjects indeed illustrate a spectral field of Moroccan-European achievements which inspire pride and arouse new hopes. As specified with attention to detail in a document from the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it concerns the following areas:

– The signing of a Green Partnership, the first of its kind concluded by the EU with a country in its southern neighborhood and the launch of discussions on a Digital Partnership;

– The satisfactory implementation of the multiple agreements concluded between the two parties in the air, fishing, research and trade sectors (agricultural, fishing and industrial products).

– The advanced operationalization of the Economic and Investment Plan resulting from the New Agenda for the Mediterranean (6 Flagship Projects out of 7 covering various areas: Higher education; development of resilient, sustainable and inclusive economies; digital transformation, research and innovation; transition and energy security; sustainable food systems, agriculture and sustainable development).

– Morocco’s significant absorption capacity testifying to the density of financial cooperation. The EU has granted Morocco a financial envelope of 1.6 billion euros as part of the 2021-2027 program, to which other funding will be added.

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– A partnership for mobility implemented according to a comprehensive and balanced approach, reinforced by a high-level dialogue on migration and an operational partnership to combat migrant smuggling launched in July 2022.

– Cooperation in security and judicial matters in progress, marked by the Morocco-EU co-presidency of the GCTF and a positive dynamic with European agencies, in particular Europol, Frontex and Eurojust.

– The launch of trilateral cooperation projects with African and Mediterranean countries in areas of interest such as water, research and training (Exp: Link Up Africa).

– The commitment of the two parties in discussions for an increased association of Morocco with community programs (Horizon Europe, Creative Europe, EU4Health, etc.).

– An effective contribution of non-governmental actors to the enrichment of the Moroccan-European Partnership (Joint Parliamentary Commission, CGEM-Business Europe relationship, etc.).

– The effective contribution of both parties to the activities of the Union for the Mediterranean and to the EU-AU Partnership with the objective of stability, prosperity and development of the Euro-Mediterranean and Euro-African regions.

The field of cooperation, as we can see, is vast and dense. It covers many areas of activity which are to both parties what the basis of real integration is to a multifaceted strategic partnership. Josep Borrell, as HR / VP begins this Thursday a visit to a country, Morocco, which is and remains the privileged partner of the European Union since the famous agreements of 1972, in particular with the EEC and which constituted for l Europe when it was still only a group of 6 or 9 countries a quasi “Ally”. This is to say both the historical and institutional dimension of the relationship between Morocco and Europe, it is to underline the economic, social, cultural and human depth of a project of sharing and membership.

Africa will also be at the center of discussions between MM. Bourita and Borrell, given the policy of engagement that King Mohammed VI has drawn up for the continent and of which the head of our diplomacy is the executor and the applied director. The same vision is also at the heart of the discussions between the two men about the evolution that characterizes the regions and are certainly subjects of common interest such as the Maghreb and its crises, the Sahel plunged into war, the tensions in the Middle East, and in a way the necessary harmony between the positions of Morocco and the European Union. It is obvious that in the eyes of the officials of the latter, “is aware that Morocco is a trusted, reliable and credible partner who has expertise and know-how enabling them to carry out joint initiatives at the regional level. and to coordinate their positions within multilateral fora in the interest of all”. A categorical imperative of coordination and adherence of Morocco and the European Union to the strategic vision will dominate the discussions in Rabat on the subjects of “security, energy transition, food security and climate change”.

Josep Borrell’s first visit to Morocco at the start of January 2023 has an exceptional meaning, it inaugurates a new climate of trust and obviously instils an unprecedented impetus between two partners, Morocco and the European Union in a context which requires the strengthening visions, mutual respect and a new audacity to move forward.

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