visit to the ambassador to Italy –

Christian Campigli

October 13, 2024

How naive, the powerful people of the world. They mobilize international diplomacy, seek agreements, study solutions, draw up plans and complex hypotheses. When instead the solution to restore peace in the Middle East is so simple, obvious, under everyone’s eyes: get help from the red pimpernel of Italian politics, the former rising star of the progressive universe: Aboubakar Soumahoro. The man who entered Parliament with his muddy boots (in contempt not so much for Montecitorio, but rather for what it represents for Italian democracy) thanks to the foresight of the golden couple of Avs goals, Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli, he acted personally, like a modern Antonio Razzi (but without the innate irony of the former senator from Abruzzo).

<img src="" class="lazy" alt="Ridiculous mission. Cruciani against Unifil in Lebanon” bad-src=””/>

The founder of Italia Plural, tired of a bloody and unjust conflict (assuming there are adequate ones), decided to meet in person the ambassador of Lebanon in our country. Inevitable, like mosquitoes in spring and rains in autumn, is the post published on social media by the native of Betroulillie. «With HE Mira Daher, ambassador of Lebanon to Italy, to express closeness to the Lebanese people, attacked by Israel. This madness of Benjamin Netanyahu has already caused 2200 victims and displaced almost 1.2 million. In these hours, Israel has fired at the Unifil bases, the UN interposition force in Lebanon, where the Italian soldiers have taken refuge. Israel has no respect or consideration for international law. Netanyahu’s horrors must be stopped in Lebanon and Gaza.” Attached is a photo in which the former trade unionist showed off a toothy smile, as if he had truly found the solution to a tension that has continued since 1948.

Israel strikes Unifil bases again. Biden: I will ask to stop attacks #11October #iltempoquotidiano

Scrolling through the comments on Facebook, it is possible to read the observation of Livio Colasanto, who asks a question as obvious as it is judged, by Carlo Marx’s grandchildren, as provocative: «Perhaps a little word about Hezbollah’s crimes, about the deaths caused by its missiles, on his attacks in the absence of any provocation…. No eh? In other words, will it ever be possible, in a war that has been going on for 76 years, that the blame lies entirely on one side? And that the oppressed people, the ones to be saved and sanctified, are only the Palestinians? That there is no issue related to terrorism and the Al-Aqsa flood operation of October 7, 2023? Evidently, for the left-wing universe, the answers to these questions are, in order, yes, yes, no. After having written and spoken for months, years about immigration, citizenship rights, racism and ius soli, Aboubakar Soumahoro has now decided to throw himself into the war. Ah, what wouldn’t you do for an extra like.

More shots fired at Unifil, what's really happening between Italy, Israel and the UN

#visit #ambassador #Italy #Tempo



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