Visit of the president of PASOK to Veria

Peloponnese Newsroom

The capital of Imathia, Veria, has been visited since the morning by the president of PASOK, Nikos Androulakis, who met with the mayor of the city and self-governing officials.

He criticized the government for the way it spends the Local Government Recovery Fund funds. The president of PASOK also expressed objections to the attitude of the self-government trade union area towards the government.

The mayor, for his part, made it clear that if additional resources are not given, the municipalities will not be able to function.

Nikos Androulakis had the opportunity to talk with officials of the self-government of Imathia at the town hall, while a little later on a tour of the city center he talked with citizens of Veria.

Source: ertnews

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#Visit #president #PASOK #Veria



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