Vis A Vis with Daniel Sancho: The Extraordinary Opportunity to Connect with Loved Ones in Thailand’s Prisons

2023-09-01 16:20:00

Dangel sancho (29 years old) has a very important date marked on the calendar. He has been serving preventive detention since August 7 in Koh Samui, where he is awaiting trial and where he will remain until he is finally transferred to another of the Asian country’s prisons. Very interested in various aspects of his case, the son of Silvia Bronchalo (44 years old) you will be able to enjoy a vis a vis very soon family granted thanks to the kings of Thailand. An extraordinary event that you must request to experience it.

The monarchs of this country, specifically the king, is the person with the most power and can both pardon a prisoner who has been sentenced to death or life imprisonment and make any type of decision that has to do with justice. As a sign of mercy, Maha Vajiralongkorn (71 years) usually pardons some prisoners for his birthday. In fact, it was what he did with Segarra, that he went on to serve a life sentence, something that might also happen to Sancho. But that date is not the only important one for those incarcerated in Thailand. The queen’s birthday is also a crucial event. Celebrated on August 12, also coinciding with her mother’s day in the Asian country, the mother of the king conce given as a “gift” to prisoners to request a very special visa with their relatives next September 30. An exceptional event for which Sancho must take several things into account.

Everything Daniel needs to keep in mind

The first thing that Daniel should take into account in order to enjoy vis a vis is to request it online. Nothing to do with physical meetings in Spanish prisons, where there can be two visits a month from relatives, people with whom you have a relationship (partner) or a list of a few close friends (a total of four), the accused for the murder of Edwin Arrieta you have an amazing opportunity, since this type of meeting does not exist in Thailand since the appearance of the Covid-19. For now in the Asian country you will only be able to see your loved ones during the rest of the year through a partition, with a mask and surely with a phone in between.

Of course, by proxy, the culinary chef can request an exceptionally scheduled visit to the prison, although it is very possible that it will not be granted. And it is that although this option did not exist since the pandemic, now they are considering allowing those who comply with the prison rules to have the possibility of a monthly visa with their family if they so wish. Another of the issues that Daniel must take into account in any of these meetings that are granted is that the use of masks is mandatory, since in Thailand they are very aware of the progress of the virus and always take extreme precautions. Also, whoever goes to Koh Samui you should take a test to testify that they are not positive, a test they must undergo 24 hours before the prison visit.

Those who go to the prison must also take into account with their watches the time of each visit. And it’s just they have two hours maximum to be together. In fact, the officials of the center are usually very attentive so that everything ends at the determined time. Daniel also you can suggest which turn you want for his family to come, whether from 9 to 11 in the morning or from 1 in the followingnoon to 3. Luckily, the accused of murder will also have the option of ordering food for himself and the rest of the visitors online. A request that he should make on September 29 and with which he might enjoy a dish other than the rice that he eats daily.

Who are Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo, Daniel Sancho’s parents?

In addition, as Two Yupa has explained in ‘Espejo Público’, visitors to Daniel have the opportunity to bring him gifts. Of course, they must take into account that they are not very ostentatious so as not to attract attention. And it is that being the son of a well-known Spanish actor can play once morest him. “vaa have to serve a minimum of eight to 10 years in prison in Thailand and if they want to keep him in the best possible condition, they’re going to go bankrupt. You can’t buy the hosts you receive, and famous people or family members with money usually have a hard time,” revealed Frank Cuesta.

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