Viruses that can cause cancer in women

This time, the medical lecture series in Stadtbergen is regarding viruses that can cause cancer. Gynecology chief physician Professor Christian Danecker lectures on HPV.

Viruses that cause cancer – at first glance, this is an unusual topic. But the case is not that rare. Many have heard of hepatitis infections, which can lead to liver cancer. In his lecture as part of the medical lecture series, the director of the clinic for gynecology and obstetrics, Prof. Dr. Christian Dannecker, with the human papilloma virus (HPV), which can be dangerous for women in particular, but also for men.

Warts, also genital warts (genital warts), on the skin surface are common benign changes caused by HP viruses. Not only does the virus cause these small growths, but it is also responsible for virtually all cases of cervical cancer, 70 percent of vaginal cancers, 30 percent of vulvar cancers, and also—regardless of gender—for anal and throat cancer responsible for the tongue. Treatment of pre-cervical cancer increases the risk of preterm birth. Even children can become infected with HPV during birth, for example. 60 to 80 percent of the population will be exposed to HPV at some point in their lives, although not everyone will develop cancer. There are so-called high-risk and low-risk HP viruses. The virus is transmitted through skin contact, especially during sexual intercourse. This means the penis can also be affected by HPV.

Women can be vaccinated once morest HPV viruses

But in addition to such worrying numbers and findings, the gynecologist also has good news: you can get vaccinated once morest HPV, which has been happening in Germany since 2007. And this prevention is apparently very effective. According to Dannecker, studies in Scandinavia and England have shown that vaccination prevents 90 to 95 percent of all cases of cervical cancer. Two to three vaccinations are common; there are indications that one vaccination may be sufficient. In addition, Dannecker will also address therapy options for virus-induced cancer in the lecture. Of course, he will focus on types of cancer that affect women.

The lecture “Cancer caused by human papilloma viruses: How to avoid and how to treat? Concepts in gynecological oncology” will take place on Monday, November 28th at 7:30 p.m. in the Bürgersaal. Admission: five euros.



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