Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VERT) – A New Approach to Treating Post-Traumatic Symptoms – Digital Economy Blog

2024-08-09 08:35:48

In recent years, psychologists have been analyzing an almost new phenomenon: post-traumatic stress disorder.

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental disorder that affects many people for a variety of reasons, but the category most affected by this condition is veterans. The intense and often traumatic experiences they face (not just on the battlefield) can have a lasting impact on their mental health.

It’s not hard to imagine the reasons for this. Soldiers are often exposed to intense combat environments, death of comrades, severe injuries, and harsh discipline. The constant sense of danger and the need to make immediate life-or-death decisions can leave deep psychological marks. In addition, the long separation from family and the return to a sometimes less understanding civil society add an extra layer of stress. All of these factors can affect neurochemistry, leading to imbalances in the brain that promote the development of PTSD/PTSD.

Support and treatment

It is critical to recognize the signs of PTS and provide appropriate support. Treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and in some cases medication. This is where we find new opportunities for AR/VR to bring significant advances in treatment.

The role of augmented reality in the treatment of PTS

One approach being used increasingly is virtual reality exposure therapy (VERT). This innovative approach allows patients to relive traumatic events in a controlled and safe environment under the supervision of a therapist. VR creates a sensory immersion (which also includes various smells and tastes associated with the traumatic event) that helps soldiers face their fears and lessen the emotional impact of traumatic memories.

TERV has shown promising results, offering an effective and less invasive alternative to traditional methods. However, this approach is not a panacea for treating PTS. As with any psychological follow-up, receiving this treatment must be individualized and adapted to the needs and specific personality of each patient.

PTS is a difficult reality for many military personnel, but with the right support, mitigation is possible. As a society, we have a responsibility to support our troops by providing them with the resources they need to address this issue and help them reintegrate into civilian life with dignity and respect.

The use of new technologies, such as virtual reality, offers a positive perspective on treating the psychological disturbances associated with PTS and other mental illnesses. By adopting these innovations, we can improve the care and well-being of those who make tremendous sacrifices to keep us safe.


Using virtual reality to treat post-traumatic stress disorder

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET)

Virtual reality exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): a meta-analysis

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