viral video | Baker who made the failed Mickey Mouse cake defends herself: “everyone commenting without knowing” | Trends | Social networks | VIRAL

A couple of weeks ago, the case of a man from Colombia who denounced the bad work of a pastry chef to whom he had ordered a Mickey Mouse cake. Through a video published on social networks, the client made known his dissatisfaction with the result.

“We have had this pudding made, this was the model, a very nice Mickey Mouse pudding, and look at the vulgarity that they just delivered to us”the man said at that time, following receiving a cake with a different design than desired. “Citizen complaint. What a horrible pudding gentlemen!”.

The clip in question became a trend and was played millions of times. The news reached the media around the world and was used by Internet users to generate memes and jokes.

This week the middle Time released the version of Maryuris Muños, woman in charge of preparing the cake that generated ridicule on social networks. She explained what exactly happened to the cake and how her business, and her personal life, have been affected.

“I don’t make orders like that, I take them days in advance. So I made the pudding and I had to leave at that moment, but I had already left everything. My daughter, who is not a pastry chef, in her innocence helped me when she saw that she was delaying me and when I arrived she had already covered the pudding, ”she declared.

Muños points out that he returned the money to the client. Shortly following, he discovered that he had publicly denounced the cake design. “That was what offended me, it was denigrating and everyone commenting without knowing what really happened”said.

Such was the impact of the news that his business, with which he has been in business for three years, was affected and his sales dropped drastically. On the other hand, he denounces having received threats.

Despite this hard blow, Muños has been able to move forward thanks to the help of supportive people who approached her following learning regarding her story.

According to the aforementioned media, international pastry shops, a local entertainer and citizens in general have offered support to the woman. Among them is the actor Rafael Caparrosowho gave him a training workshop, which is run by a family member.

The bad episode seems to have been left behind because the woman used her social networks to show a new version of her Mickey Mouse cake. And this time, her work was more similar to the original design.

Photo: @marce_capkes

What is the difference between confectionery and pastry?

The cake shop refers to those more “homemade” elaborations and made in a completely handmade way, while the cake shop refers to the preparation of more elaborate and professional desserts, applying more complex techniques, details the website

What are the characteristics of the pastry?

according to website significados.comthe cake shop It is considered as a specific type of gastronomy, that is, as a branch of professional cuisine, which specializes in the preparation of desserts. Like gastronomy, excellence in the craft of cake shop It is due to the knowledge and good use of the techniques.

How long do custom made cakes last?

Typically, a cake will only stay fresh for up to three or four days before the moisture is drawn out and the texture becomes drier. A cake can last a little longer in the refrigerator if it has been frosted, since the frosting keeps moisture in the cake, the website states.



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