Viral: Diploma Withheld, Campus Admits It is Ready to Communicate with Sadari Zega – 2024-08-02 16:35:59

Head of General Affairs of LLDIKTI! North Sumatra (Sumut) Ahmad Subhan (Doc)

NEWS of the withholding of the diploma of a Nias University (UNIAS) student named Sadari Zega went viral on social media. In response to this, the UNIAS campus reportedly admitted that it was ready to communicate and sit down with Zega regarding the granting of the diploma.

Head of General Affairs of LLDIKTI! North Sumatra (Sumut) Ahmad Subhan said that his party had asked for clarification from the campus in writing. UNIAS has finished printing Sadari Zega’s diploma and is ready to be handed over to the person concerned.

“With the note that Sadari Zega provides clarification regarding the news that was circulating and posted in the media,” said Ahmad Subhan, quoted in Jakarta, Tuesday (30/7).

According to him, his party has also given a recommendation to UNIAS to try to contact Zega to conduct a zoom meeting.

“In the zoom meeting, apart from UNIAS, Zega was also from LLDIKTI. There, we hope that everything will be finished,” said Ahmad.

It is known that UNIAS has also tried to fulfill this step, UNIAS hopes that the polemic over the withheld diplomas can be resolved soon.

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“Yes, our hope is that in the future this can be completed soon and that nothing will be damaged, both Mr. Zega and Nias University,” he explained.

Based on UNIAS regulations, there is a Chancellor’s Regulation which states that if there are students or alumni who commit defamation, strict sanctions will be given, one of which is the withholding of diplomas.

“That’s in the regulations after they explained it to us, both verbally starting from the zoom meeting and also in writing and frankly, we cannot intervene in the regulations there,” he explained.

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Ahmad explained that if the regulations in each university are in place, his party is not included in that realm. Previously, Sadari Zega was in the spotlight after claiming that his diploma was withheld by the campus because of his criticism on social media.

Zega, who has completed his studies and graduated in December 2023, admitted that he had difficulty collecting his diploma because he was living outside the area and was the breadwinner for the family.

He had fulfilled all the requirements for obtaining a diploma, but Unias asked Sadari to return to Nias and apologize for his criticism on Facebook.

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“I don’t know for sure why Unias is holding my diploma. I have fulfilled all the rules and letters regarding collecting diplomas if students are out of town, and some of my friends have been able to collect their diplomas by their parents or guardians. Then why is it being held back and not given to me?” he added.

UNIAS Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Adieli Laoli, through his official statement, said that Sadari Zega mentioned that there were individuals who deliberately slowed down and made it difficult to collect diplomas according to their status on social media.

Therefore, the University requested that Sadari Zega provide direct clarification before handing over the diplomas.

“This is to find out who the person is who intentionally did this so that strict action and sanctions can be taken,” he said. (Z-8)

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