Violin Spider, Boy Bitten and Did Not Survive. “Watch Your Hands and Feet” –

A 23-year-old Salento boy has died following complications from a violin spider bite. The news story, which has been bouncing from one site to another for a few hours, is unleashing a wave of panic and concern. The boy, originally from Collepasso, was first admitted to a hospital in the province of Lecce, but was transferred yesterday to the intensive care unit of the Policlinico in Bari, where he died this morning at dawn from septic shock and multi-organ failure. An autopsy will be performed on the body. “There is news that takes your breath away and it is difficult to find the right words to express closeness and condolences to a family that suddenly and too soon loses a son – wrote the mayor of Collepasso on social media – Our entire community is moved by the pain that has struck Antonio and Rosaria for the loss of dear Giuseppe. An angel of only 23 years who from today will watch over you. My deepest condolences and those of our entire community to the family and relatives”.

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This fact immediately attracted the analysis of experts. “The bite of the violin spider is a fairly frequent event, we are talking about several dozen cases per year, however, death as a consequence is rare and extraordinary”. Massimo Andreoni, scientific director of Simit, the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases and full professor at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome, confessed to Adnkronos Salute. The bite of the violin spider “causes an inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue – he explained – giving pictures of cellulite. Therefore, we must be very careful where we put our hands and feet, even at night, especially in green areas and in the open air. It is always better to wear long clothes and gloves if we want to touch stones or other things and avoid being bitten by vipers too”.

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If bitten by this arachnid “when the red halo appears and expands up to 5-7 centimeters – the infectious disease specialist emphasized – causing pain and very red skin, it is best to contact your doctor for advice on what to do and to obtain a precise picture, especially if fever is among the symptoms”. You can “also go to the emergency room but to avoid clogging up the hospitals just consult your family doctor”, the expert concluded.

#Violin #Spider #Boy #Bitten #Survive #Watch #Hands #Feet #Tempo
2024-08-18 13:34:50



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