Violent Train Accident in Ardoye: SNCB Passenger Train Collides with Truck on Level Crossing

2023-11-15 09:09:00

A violent accident took place on Tuesday in Ardoye (West Flanders). An SNCB passenger train hit a truck which was stationary on a level crossing. The truck driver was seriously injured in the accident, while five passengers who were on board the train were taken to hospital as a preventive measure. Everyone was evacuated. Clearing work began Tuesday evening, and rail traffic is expected to be interrupted for several days on the line.

The circumstances of the collision are still unclear, an investigation by the police and Infrabel is underway. They should be helped by images from surveillance cameras installed near the level crossing. The latter show the moments before the impact, and allow us to realize the violence of the impact between the two vehicles.

In 2022, a similar accident had already taken place in the same location. A heavy goods vehicle was also hit by an SNCB train. Fortunately in this case, the truck driver managed to leave his cabin before the impact, as we can see in the video below.

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