Violent storm in San Luis: injured by hail the size of tennis balls

A storm of great magnitude, which included strong gusts of wind, precipitation and large hail fall, hit the city of Villa Mercedesthe province of saint Louis, and would have caused a fatality for the moment and multiple injuries that required medical attention. The damage and danger were such that a protocol was activated by the Provincial Emergency System (SEMPRO)the body that acted immediately to assist the residents of the town.

The SPRAY made available to the community 4 ambulances and transfer units to care for patients.

According to local media, after the storm, the admission to the “Juan Domingo Perón” Polyclinic of a person who would have died on the premises of the Calle Angosta festival due to heart failure was confirmed.

The Municipality of San Luis collaborated with the evacuation from some neighbors whose facilities were seriously damaged by the storm, which even caused roofs to be blown off.

The impressive size of the hail.

Meanwhile, the Municipality and the provincial authorities asked the inhabitants to remain in their homes since exposed cables were detected on the public highway as a result of the violent gusts of wind.


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