Violent serial brawls in Boston!

If the Celtics have since recovered by beating the Knicks at home, the night was particularly agitated in Boston on January 6, during the pitiful loss to San Antonio (99-97). At stake ? Several fights, during and after the meeting …

Times are gloomy in Boston. In addition to having a negative balance sheet, internal problems and rather poor prospects for the rest of the season, now the fans so passionate of the Celtics are starting to truster the section of the news. And as you have understood, this is clearly not for good reasons …

Boston bows, fans go crazy

The facts date back to January 6, during a rather shameful setback against a San Antonio team yet decimated. During the game, which was not of great relief, several fans came to blows in the stands, under the eyes of other stunned spectators.

Meanwhile at the Garden ????

The trouble is that this rather deplorable streak was not the worst of the evening, and by far. Once the defeat was confirmed, a new confusion broke out, in the metro this time. The scene is violent, and the images may offend the sensitivity of some readers.

A fiasco from start to finish, which unfortunately also reflects the gloom of the franchise on the floor. It’s a bleak time in Boston, and no one seems to really believe in the project, from the players to the fans.

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Decidedly, serenity is neither present on the floor, nor in the stands… nor even in the subway near Boston at the start of the season. The Celtics need to get the ball rolling, and fast. But not sure that they themselves believe in their chances …

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