Violent Attack on Peaceful Demonstrators by Ukrainian Individual Supporting Israel: Charleroi, Pour la Palestine Gathering

2023-11-05 14:18:21

The individual, of Ukrainian origin, arrested by the police violently attacked peaceful demonstrators, in a crowd of 400 to 500 people, according to police spokesperson David Quinaux, who, present on site, was able to control it. “He spoke in English, before throwing himself into the crowd present. His hostility comes from his support for the State of Israel, exacerbated by alcohol consumption,” he said.

This gathering took place in a “good-natured” atmosphere, added the police spokesperson, and claimed to be in support of the Palestinian populations “targeted by imperial missiles”, according to a speech read during the event organized by the “Charleroi, pour la Palestine” association.

Read also The Charleroi police carried out a vast security operation in the city center

#subdued #police

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