Violence Unleashed: Machado’s Critics in Táchira Face Brutal Reprisal as Rights Groups Sound Alarm

Armed men would have raided andn the house where the opposition leader, María Corina Machado, stayed on her tour of Táchiraaccording to the former parliamentarian of that entity, Walter Márquez.

In a press conference, in which he presented videos as evidence, Márquez indicated that: “Eight armed men there really made a whole effort to try to look for some evidence that would compromise opposition sectors, and especially they carried a gasoline canister asking about the truck in which María Corina traveled, to set it on fire. “They gagged one of the guards, beat him and took away all his communication equipment.”reported the newspaper La Nación of that Andean state.

He also explained that the day Machado was in that house located in Palmirathe catering company, which provided food and beverage service to Machado’s host, on the night of June 28, allegedly They were intercepted in Táriba.

“They took them to the FAE in San Cristóbal and then handed them over to the police, they questioned them about María Corina’s actions, they instilled fear in them by pointing out that María Corina was responsible for the crime of traction to the homeland and all those who collaborated with her. They also had to be prosecuted for traction to the homeland. They confiscated all their work implements, detained the three collaborators until the next morning and detained the vehicle until yesterday.”narrated the former parliamentarian.

Several restaurants linked to opposition politicians were also closed days before Machado’s arrival in the state of Táchira: “One is Plaza Real, by Julio Pérez Vivas, brother of César Pérez Vivas, which is in Barrio Obrero; and they also closed Churromanía, which is in El Sambil. They also closed El Rincón del Caballista, by William Forero, they even closed it and opened a file to fine him. They also closed Tburguer, by Francisco Ramírez, one of María Corina’s oldest collaborators in Táchira. Punta del Este Grill was also closed because the managing partner is Eduardo Delgado, linked to PJ. An entire state terrorism has been unleashed that is classified as a crime against humanity according to the Rome Statute.”, he indicated.

In each tour he makes through the states, the security forces, as well as the Seniat, carry out various retaliatory actions against those who provide logistical support to Machado in his campaign for presidential candidate Edmundo González. The opposition leader will be in the state of Anzoátegui this Tuesday.

#denounce #abuses #welcomed #Machado #Táchira

Analysis: Armed Men ​Raid⁤ Opposition Leader’s​ Residence in Táchira

A recent and⁣ disturbing news report has come ⁣to light, highlighting the increasing violence and intimidation faced⁢ by opposition leaders in Venezuela. According to Walter Márquez, ​a former parliamentarian, armed men raided​ the house where opposition leader María Corina Machado stayed during her tour of Táchira. This blatant ⁤act⁢ of aggression not only puts Machado’s life at risk but also sends ‌a chilling message to those who dare to speak out against the current regime.

Márquez, who presented videos as evidence during a press conference, revealed that eight armed‌ men made a concerted effort to ‍find incriminating evidence against opposition sectors. Furthermore, they carried a gasoline canister, intent‌ on setting the truck in which Machado traveled on fire. This reckless and sinister act demonstrates the lengths to which these armed men are willing to ‌go to silence their opponents. The fact that they gagged, beat, and dispossessed a guard of his communication‌ equipment adds to the gravity of the situation [[1]].

Márquez, a vocal advocate for democracy and human rights, has been a thorn in the side of the Venezuelan government. His recent ⁤statements ⁢on Twitter have shed light on the widespread persecution of opposition sympathizers and ⁣activists, which he believes ⁢constitutes a crime against humanity under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court [[3]]. This brazen attack on Machado’s residence⁢ is‍ merely the ⁢latest example of the government’s attempts to quell dissent and opposition.

What’s most concerning is that this incident is not an isolated event. The persecution of opposition sectors has‍ been ongoing, and ‍Márquez has ​been vocal‌ about it on his social media platforms. His Instagram profile, where he describes himself as a historian, ​researcher, academic, parliamentarian, legislator, diplomat, and human rights advocate [[1]], reveals a man deeply committed to the cause of democracy and justice in ‌Venezuela.

Dossier Venezuela, an Instagram account that provides news and updates on the Venezuelan crisis, has also highlighted Márquez’s warnings about ​the situation on the ground [[2]]. The account’s focus on the Venezuelan elections and the ongoing‌ human rights abuses serves as a testament to the escalating tension and ​violence in the⁢ country.

As the situation ⁤in Venezuela continues to⁣ deteriorate, it’s essential that we, as a global community, remain vigilant and vocal about the human rights abuses and persecution of opposition leaders like María Corina Machado. Márquez’s bravery in speaking out against​ these⁣ atrocities serves as a ⁢beacon of hope for those fighting⁤ for democracy and justice in Venezuela.

the armed raid on Machado’s residence⁢ is a stark reminder of the dangers faced by opposition leaders in Venezuela. Walter ‍Márquez’s courage in highlighting this incident and his tireless‌ advocacy for democracy and human rights serve as ‌a shining example of the ⁤power of ‌individual⁤ action in the face of overwhelming adversity. As a global community, we must stand in⁢ solidarity with Márquez and Machado, denouncing these brazen acts of intimidation and violence, and demanding justice⁣ and accountability for‍ those responsible.



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