Violence against elected officials: Aurore Bergé calls for a “common front”

She calls for a “common front once morest violence in public debate”. The deputy La République en Marche (LREM) Aurore Bergé calls for sanctions “commensurate with the violence of the threats” and the increasing attacks once morest elected officials, sometimes in connection with the health crisis.

“I call for a united front once morest violence in public debate. We are too used to it, the battle of ideas has become a street fight ”, she denounces. in the JDD.

Like Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, the deputy for Seine-Maritime threatened with death in an email, Aurore Bergé has been compared to women shorn for collaboration following World War II in a tweet.

The deputy, who will lodge a complaint in a personal capacity, asks that the sanctions be “at the height of the violence of the threats” because “of the hundred facts that I have denounced, only one perpetrator has been identified”, adds t -she.

“To say nothing is to endorse”

According to her, “there is a form of weakness in the response of society and of certain political leaders”, she deplores by inviting in particular “all the presidential candidates” to “express themselves clearly on the subject” and to “ask their own activists to be extremely vigilant regarding their actions and words on social networks”. “To say nothing is to endorse. There is a real problem with some, on the far right and the far left, who legitimize violence, ”adds the deputy.

Some of these threats are linked to the health crisis. “Each intimidation also aims to ensure that parliamentarians no longer feel free to vote in their soul and conscience”, adds Aurore Bergé, while the deputies are looking Monday on the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass, including the The adoption is beyond doubt, despite a tense atmosphere and the hostility of several parties.

President LREM of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, announced at the end of the week that he would make a “precise point” in January with the Interior Ministers Gérald Darmanin (who has just asked for reinforced protection of elected officials) and of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti on these threats and attacks once morest elected officials.



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