Villarruel vs Rossi: “You have duck blood if you are not outraged”, accusations of “lies” crossed at the start of the debate

2023-11-09 01:58:00

The vice president debate began with sparks between the candidate of Unión por la Patria, Agustín Rossi and that of La Libertad Avanza, Victoria Villarruel. This Wednesday night, in the first thematic axis, Economy and work, Rossi accused his rival of resembling Javier Milei, saying: “The symbiosis with Milei penetrates you more and more.” For her part, the libertarian’s vice postulated that her anger was justified by the levels of poverty in Argentina and launched: “You have duck blood if you don’t get outraged.”

From Villarruel’s first exhibition, which began by assuring: “From now on everything you are going to hear from Rossi is a lie”the first thematic axis was loaded with crossed accusations about lies, mainly on the part of the libertarian, due to her argument against Rossi’s proposals, on which she insisted, as opposition: “They could have just been done in the last four years.”

Villarruel stated: “Argentina is the country in which retirees are the currency, the adjustment valve, 1 in every 3 white workers is poor. Argentina is the country where you cannot rent your house, it does not matter if you are a tenant, owner or real estate agent. Retirees cry because they eat one steak a week, in 2003 we are worse than in 2001. We are going to stabilize the economy, lower inflation sharply, stop public spending and monetary issuance.. When you are about to choose your ballot, choose continuity or change.”

Rossi, on the other hand, highlighted that “we have 37 consecutive months of growth of salaried, private, registered employment. Two activities betrayed him: construction and hotels and gastronomy, with public policies that disappear if Milei wins the elections”. He also highlighted that “Massa has made transcendental decisions for the destiny of Argentines to recover purchasing power”, such as the refund of VAT, the elimination of income tax and a plan to promote new employment.

In response to what Villarruel said, Rossi said that “inflation cannot be lowered in one fell swoop”, nor in “non-virtuous” ways, which are what Milei proposes: greater debt and sale of public companies. We propose an export revolution, promoting all commercial activities and, with that, strengthening the reserves in the Central Bank. “This way we can stabilize the exchange rate, lower inflation and improve salaries.”

“Reality hits us hard” and “I’m glad that you recognize the importance of the State”

The vice candidate of La Libertad Avanza returned to the phrase she repeated during the first debate, stating that “Rossi tells you again about an unknown galaxy”. “In the budget for 2024 they plan to tax food, such as bread and meat, with more VAT and increase personal assets for those who have rural properties, which is taken care of by those who have their bodies in the countryside and today suffer from drought They will not be able to apply their measures and they had four years and they did not do it. Definitely, What are you offering more than a simple lie?“, he questioned.

Then, she again accused Rossi of lying, since “she says that she toured Argentina,” but that two weeks ago she was “in the poorest district of Salta, where there are no medical supplies. There are very long lines to get fuel, people eat less and less meat, stop lying. I see that you studied many topics, but they are empty figures because later reality hits us hard.“.

“The only ones who lie are you,” Rossi crossed it and gave as an example the relationship between Javier Milei and former presidential candidate Patricia Bullrich. “I am glad that you recognize the importance of the State in each place you are visiting, there are a lot of issues to resolve. Today I heard Milei saying that he was not going to have relations with Lula and China, two commercial destinations that are going to complicate the provinces that trade with them. Who thinks of being so obtuse?” he chicane.


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