Villagers flock to ‘clean the air conditioner’ after the Department of Health warns against washing for a long time The risk of pneumonia – fresh news

Villagers flock to ‘clean the air conditioner’ following the Department of Health warns once morest washing for a long time risk of pneumonia causing the growth of pathogens Either bacteria, viruses or fungi

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25 April 2022 – Reporters reported that following the Department of Health has notified the risk of pneumonia infection. As a result of not cleaning the air conditioner or cleaning the air conditioner for a long time

Throughout the day, it was found that private residences, including various agencies, have called for air conditioning cleaning services to clean the air bustlingly. Especially some houses that are equipped with air conditioning in every room. The technician has to clean every air conditioner installed in the house in order to strictly comply with the announcement of the Department of Health.

Miss Phicharat Khonb Klang, 38 years old, said that during the hot weather Most of them will turn on the air conditioner to cool down during the day and night. which when clear information from the Department of Health indicating that if the air conditioner is dirty or does not clean the air conditioner for a long time Moisture from the air conditioner and sewer that causes the growth of germs. Either bacteria, viruses or fungi that breathe in the contaminated water droplets can affect health. Therefore, we decided together to call for air conditioner technicians to clean 4 air conditioners installed at home for safety.

According to the information from the Department of Health, it was found that There are 2 types of symptoms if infected with the aforementioned infection: severe pneumonia, high fever, cough, and chills, known as “legionnaires’ disease. (LEGIONELLOSIS)” and with flu-like symptoms called “PONTIAC FEVER), so the family cleaned the air conditioner immediately. Even in the past, the air conditioner has been cleaned every 6 months.

Mr. Nattapong Laolarp, ​​an air conditioner cleaning technician, said that he admitted that during this period, there were people calling for services such as cleaning air conditioners. air refrigerant inspection From the sweltering weather during this period, more people contacted to request service. The shop tries to organize a service queue system as quickly as possible.



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