Villa Rossi is on its way to celebrate the centenary of the “José Rubirola” Educational Center

The Municipality of Villa Rossi is preparing to celebrate the centenary of the “José Rubirola” Educational Centerthe historic primary school establishment of said town in the Presidente Roque Sáenz Peña Department.

With this end in mind, the local government headed by the municipal mayor Elvio Benitez is working on improving the building that houses more than 60 students.

The work includes dismantling the school roof, replacing the current one with a new one.

The head of the Executive commented that “By October of this year we will have it reopenable”, highlighting that in order to fulfill such a mission, the administration managed with the Province in 2023, under the mandate of the former mayor Martin Echaniz (today substitute departmental legislator), funds allocated to the construction of the upper part of the building.

40 million pesos will be invested in the first stageto which a second one will be added, which will add painting the classrooms, plastering the exterior, changing the entrance doors and openings.

On October 12, the Commission in charge of organizing the celebration will hold a dinner, whose invitation was open to former directors, teachers and students; an occasion for the reunion of all those who keep the flame of teaching alive in Villa Rossi.

Main photo: before and after the work on the ceiling.



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