Vienna’s Danube Canal Emerges from Cleanup as Flood Recovery Wraps Up

Last weekend’s flooding also hit some of the restaurants directly on the Danube Canal hard. The clean-up work has already largely been completed. MeinBezirk found out how great the extent of the damage really is – and spoke to the businesses affected.

VIENNA. At the weekend, the storm Anett moved across large parts of Austria. The persistent rain and the resulting flooding also hit Vienna hard. Due to the heavy rain, the Danube, Vienna River and Liesingbach turned into raging torrents. Water levels in the Vienna River in particular reached historic record highs:

1,000-year flood reached on the Vienna River

The weather has now improved and the water levels are gradually falling again. The true extent of the natural disaster is now slowly becoming apparent. Vienna’s cityscape has been dominated by damage assessments and clean-up work since Tuesday:

Water is receding in Vienna, clean-up work is starting now

The businesses directly on the Danube Canal have also been and are being cleaned up. MeinBezirk found out how they survived the severe storm and spoke to some of the businesses affected.

“Got away with a black eye”

The flood left its mark on the famous “Motto on the river” which is located directly on the Danube Canal, near Schwedenplatz, on the water. However, they “got away with a black eye”. The damage was limited. “This particularly affected the flooded lift at Treppelweg, a broken heating system and a small flooded storage room,” says Jürgen Unger, Managing Director of the Motto Group, describing the situation.

The difficult weather conditions meant that the restaurant was closed on Sunday – the day the Danube Canal left its basin. Both the Motto Café and the restaurant were closed all day. However, since Monday both restaurants have been open again without restrictions, says Unger.

Beach bar completely underwater

Completely under water was the “Beach Bar Herrmann” at the mouth of the Vienna River near the Urania. A local inspection by MeinBezirk on Monday showed partially flooded banks and deck chairs that had been blown over or washed away.

The Herrmann beach bar was badly hit by the floods. | Photo: Herrmann beach bar

“The furniture was washed away, as were barrels and deck chairs,” said operator Rudi Konar, describing the situation to MeinBezirk. The entire restaurant was flooded, and there was a lot of mud in the cold storage rooms. Clean-up and rebuilding work was still going on on Tuesday. But the restaurant has been open again since Wednesday at 2 p.m.

The bar “The flower meadow” opposite Motto am Fluss, as a post on Instagram from a few days ago shows:

Then on Wednesday, the operators shared some good news. “After the turbulent days of flooding, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief and say that we were lucky in an unfortunate situation! Thanks to our joint efforts, we managed to protect the flower meadow and the Danube Canal is once again shining in all its glory. The flower meadow has reopened and we are looking forward to wonderful late summer days with you,” they wrote in a recent post.

“Support tenants”

What will happen after the unprecedented storm event was revealed at the Viadonau. This is responsible for the management and development of waterways in Austria, especially the Danube. Talks are currently underway between Viadonau, the Danube Flood Protection Competition (DHK) and MA 45 (Vienna Waters) with the tenants of the Danube Canal, also with a view to assessing the extent of the damage, says Viadonau spokesman Christoph Caspar. “The contractually defined obligation to operate can of course be waived in the event of damage. We are happy to assist the tenants,” says Caspar.

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– What restaurants⁤ on the Danube Canal were most affected by the recent flooding ⁢in Vienna?

Vienna’s Restaurants ​on the Danube Canal Reel from Flooding: Extent of Damage and Road to Recovery

Last weekend’s devastating floods, ⁢caused by‍ Storm Anett, hit⁤ Vienna hard, with ⁤the‌ Danube ⁤Canal and surrounding restaurants bearing the ⁣brunt of the damage. As the waters recede, the true extent of the destruction is⁣ slowly becoming apparent. MeinBezirk investigated the impact on ​the restaurants directly on the Danube​ Canal, speaking to the businesses affected and‍ gauging the scale of the disaster.

The Flooding’s Fury

The heavy rains and subsequent flooding reached historic⁢ levels, with the Vienna River​ experiencing a 1,000-year flood. The Danube Canal, which runs through the heart ‌of Vienna, was not spared, with water levels rising dramatically and causing widespread damage to businesses and ​infrastructure.

Motto on‍ the River: ‍A Narrow Escape

The famous ⁣”Motto on the river”, located near Schwedenplatz, was one of the restaurants affected by the flooding. According ⁤to Jürgen Unger,‍ Managing ⁢Director⁤ of the Motto Group, the​ damage was limited, with a flooded lift, broken heating‌ system, and a small storage room the only casualties. The restaurant was closed on​ Sunday, but reopened on Monday without restrictions.

Beach Bar Herrmann: Underwater and Out of⁣ Action

In contrast, the “Beach Bar Herrmann” at the mouth of the Vienna River was completely submerged,‌ with‌ furniture, ⁢barrels, and deck chairs⁤ washed away. Operator Rudi Konar described ‍the scene, stating​ that the entire restaurant was flooded, with mud in the cold storage rooms. Clean-up ⁢and rebuilding⁣ work began on Tuesday, with the ⁤restaurant ‍reopening on Wednesday at 2 p.m.

The Flower Meadow: A Relief and Reopening

The “Flower Meadow” bar, opposite Motto am Fluss, also experienced significant flooding. However, in a recent Instagram post, the operators shared some⁣ good‌ news,⁣ stating that thanks to their ‍joint efforts, they managed to ‌protect the bar and were reopening. The post expressed relief and gratitude, looking forward‌ to welcoming customers back to the newly restored premises.

Viadonau’s Role⁤ in Supporting Tenants

Viadonau,​ responsible for ⁤the management and development of waterways in Austria, especially ⁤the Danube Canal, has pledged to support tenants affected‌ by the flooding. The⁤ organization will work​ closely with those affected to ensure​ a ​swift⁤ recovery and minimal disruption to business ​operations.

Recovery ⁢Efforts Underway

As the ‍clean-up ‍work continues, Vienna’s restaurants on​ the Danube ​Canal are slowly‍ getting back on their feet. While the extent​ of the damage is‍ significant, the resilience and determination⁢ of the business owners⁣ and operators are⁢ a testament to the city’s ability ⁤to bounce⁣ back ‍from adversity.

Supporting Local Businesses

In the aftermath of the flooding, it is essential⁤ to support local ⁣businesses affected by the disaster. By visiting and patronizing ‍these establishments, we can help ensure their continued success and contribute to ‍the ‌recovery of Vienna’s ​vibrant ‍culinary scene.

Keywords: Vienna, Danube Canal, flooding, restaurants, Motto⁤ on‍ the ‍river, Beach ‌Bar Herrmann, The Flower Meadow, Viadonau,⁢ Storm Anett, clean-up, recovery, local businesses.

The dining scene along the canal is bouncing back. As recovery efforts continue, these establishments are a testament to the strength of community and the will to overcome adversity.

After the Flood: Vienna’s Danube Canal Restaurants Bounce Back

The recent storm, Anett, brought unprecedented flooding to Vienna, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The Danube Canal, a popular spot for restaurants and bars, was severely affected, with some businesses suffering significant damage. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the impact of the flooding on the restaurants directly on the Danube Canal and how they’re recovering.

“Got away with a black eye”

The famous “Motto on the river” restaurant, located near Schwedenplatz on the Danube Canal, was one of the establishments affected by the flooding. Although the restaurant suffered some damage, it “got away with a black eye,” according to Jürgen Unger, Managing Director of the Motto Group. The flooded lift at Treppelweg, a broken heating system, and a small flooded storage room were the extent of the damage. Despite the challenges, the restaurant was closed only on Sunday, and both the Motto Café and the restaurant were open again without restrictions from Monday.

Beach bar completely underwater

Not all businesses were as lucky. The “Beach Bar Herrmann” at the mouth of the Vienna River near the Urania was completely underwater. A local inspection by MeinBezirk on Monday showed partially flooded banks and deck chairs that had been blown over or washed away. Operator Rudi Konar described the situation, saying, “The furniture was washed away, as were barrels and deck chairs.” The entire restaurant was flooded, with a lot of mud in the cold storage rooms. Clean-up and rebuilding work was still underway on Tuesday, but the restaurant has been open again since Wednesday at 2 p.m.

Support tenants

The flooding has not only affected the businesses themselves but also their tenants. The “Flower Meadow” bar, opposite Motto am Fluss, was also severely affected, as seen in a post on Instagram from a few days ago.

What restaurants on the Danube Canal were most affected by the recent flooding in Vienna?

The Motto on the river, Beach Bar Herrmann, and The Flower Meadow were among the restaurants most affected by the recent flooding on the Danube Canal in Vienna. These businesses have been working tirelessly to recover from the damage, and many have already reopened their doors to customers.


The recent flooding in Vienna has left its mark on the city’s restaurants and bars, particularly those on the Danube Canal. While some businesses were more severely affected than others, the resilience and determination of the owners and staff have ensured that



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