Vienna’s biodiversity offensive on World Environment Day | PID press

2023-06-04 07:30:31

With plants for the window sill, swifts and sheep shearing days

Vienna (OTS) “Everyone should celebrate World Environment Day on June 5th. know!” is the motto of World Environment Day. “And we’re happy to join them! Among other things, we are celebrating World Environment Day with our current biodiversity offensive for nature in the city, more green space, greater biodiversity and intensive environmental education,” explains Vienna’s Climate Councilor Jürgen Czernohorszky.

As early as June 1st, the City of Vienna – Environmental Protection helped more than 500 Viennese* to bring more biodiversity to the heart of the city: They received plant packages with sage, lavender and thyme and a sack of organic soil from the Helmut Zilk Park 48er – under the motto “Plants for the window sill”.

Cooling of urban heat islands

“The herbs not only please the eye – and the palate, they ensure coolness in front of the window when the troughs are on the otherwise burning hot window sill,” explains City Councilor Czernohorszky. “But above all, they are a wonderful food source for many animals – from butterflies to wild bees.”

Further events in the near future will offer discoveries of wild animals – above all the swifts. As the “swift metropolis”, Vienna is not only the distribution center of the common swift in Austria, but is also the habitat of many other protected animal species, such as house sparrows, kestrels, swallows and bats, which use buildings as habitats.

Common Swift Tour on June 6th in Penzing

On June 6th, the diversity of species in Penzing can be discovered and admired: on the common swift tour together with Climate Councilor Jürgen Czernohorszky and District Manager Michaela Schüchner. During the expertly guided walk, the participants can learn more regarding the animal world in Vienna and also who might live with them under the same roof.

Meeting point: Hütteldorfer Straße 188 in front of the district administration at 7:30 p.m. The tour lasts around two hours.

Wildtier-Tour am 12.6. in Floridsdorf

On June 12, there will be another tour of wild animals in Floridsdorf: Due to the large green areas and the location on the Danube, there are a particularly large number of different species such as house sparrows, kestrels, swallows and bats that use buildings as habitats and that deal with something Let luck and skill be observed during this guided excursion with district manager Georg Papai.

Meeting point: Ströck bakery in front of Floridsdorf train station at 7 p.m. The event lasts until around 9:30 p.m.

Common Swift Festival on June 16th and 17th in the new building

On June 16th and 17th, Markus Reiter, district manager of Neubau, in cooperation with the city of Vienna – environmental protection and the Vienna City Gardens, invites you to the “Sailboat Day – the Neubauer environmental district festival”: On Friday evening at 7:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m. and Saturday morning at 6 There are interesting guided tours regarding birds and bats. At the festival itself there is an entertaining program for young and old. Quizzes, information stands, Insta action, screen printing, magicians, live music and more.

More information regarding the program is available here:

Sheep Shearing Day on June 16th on the Steinhofgrund

On the other hand, there is a very special event on the Steinhofgrund on June 16th: the Sheep Shearing Day! There, sheep, sheep shearing and herding dogs can be experienced up close from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. There is also a lot of information regarding grazing, biodiversity, meadows and climate protection. “Because grazing by sheep is the most gentle form of meadow care and thus promotes biodiversity,” explains Michael Kienesberger, Head of the City of Vienna – Environmental Protection. (Ending)

Questions & contact:

Michaela Zlamal
Media spokeswoman StR Jürgen Czernohorszky
+43 1 4000 81446

area communication
City of Vienna – environmental protection
+43 1 4000 73422

#Viennas #biodiversity #offensive #World #Environment #Day #PID #press



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