Vienna “cares” about biodiversity | PID press

2023-06-17 09:30:12

Sheep shearing day on the Steinhofgrund – grazing of meadows as part of the Vienna biodiversity offensive

Vienna (OTS) Visiting sheep, shearing sheep, experiencing herding dogs up close – and lots of information on the subject of meadows, grazing, promoting biodiversity and climate protection: all this was available on Friday at the sheep shearing day on the Steinhofgrund.

Close-to-nature management is also climate protection

“Grazing by sheep enables near-natural management, especially in hard-to-reach meadows, and helps to preserve the diversity of these species-rich meadows,” explains Vienna’s Climate Councilor Jürgen Czernohorszky. “Extensively managed meadows and pastures are not only among the most species-rich habitats; they also serve to retain water, equalize temperature and their soils contribute to climate protection.”

What the various species particularly like in these meadows grazed by sheep: there are areas that have been eaten and areas that have not been eaten, as less “tasty” stalks remain. In this way, tiny living spaces are created like a mosaic. In addition, fungi, dung beetles and other insects live on the excrement of the animals. The kicking of sheep and goats also creates open areas in the ground, which are very popular: because two thirds of the wild bee species native to Vienna nest in the ground. Grasshopper species also lay their eggs there.

Part of the Vienna Biodiversity Campaign

“The grazing of meadows is part of the biodiversity offensive of the City of Vienna and one of the measures within the framework of the Vienna Forest and Meadows Charter, the implementation of which we coordinate, explains Michael Kienesberger, Head of the City of Vienna – Environmental Protection. The Vienna Forest and Meadows Charter was adopted in 2020 by the Vienna State Parliament together with action plans for biodiversity, forests and water bodies. The Biodiversity Action Plan shows how species protection measures go hand in hand with climate protection measures. The objectives of the measures are the preservation, supplementation and renewal of species-rich green spaces.

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The City of Vienna grazes particularly those meadows that are difficult to cultivate due to their steepness, their soil conditions or as meadow orchards. The primary goal of this grazing is the preservation and promotion of habitat and species diversity. Frugal multi-use types are used as grazing animals in mother animal husbandry by farmers.

Meadow humus stores carbon

With this sustainable grazing, carbon is stored as humus in the soil and thus promotes soil fertility. Each additional ton of humus in the soil relieves the atmosphere of around 1.8 tons of CO2.

Sheep, goats and cattle are currently grazing on areas of the city of Vienna. Most animals belong to farmers. So far, grazing in Vienna has taken place on the following areas: parts of the Danube Island, Breitenlee station, PV system Schafflerhof, Alte Schanzen, Lainzer Tiergarten, Steinhofgrund, Paradiesgrund, salt marsh, Kellerberg and Adolfstorwiesen.

More information on the Vienna Forest and Meadows Charter:

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Questions & contact:

Michaela Zlamal
Media spokeswoman StR Jürgen Czernohorszky
+43 1 4000 81446

area communication
City of Vienna – environmental protection
+43 1 4000 73422

#Vienna #cares #biodiversity #PID #press

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