Vieira: Egypt’s loss to Ethiopia was unexpected

Jorvan Vieira, coach of the Enppi team, confirmed that Egypt’s loss to Ethiopia is an unexpected result, due to the history of the Egyptian team compared to its Ethiopian counterpart.

Vieira said in statements to Ontime Sports 1: “With all due respect to the Ethiopian national team, Egypt has a greater history, but we do not know what happened, and Egypt is one of the best teams in Africa and the Arab world.”

He added, “I hope that Egypt’s loss to Ethiopia will be the last surprise. Technical director Ihab Galal is not alone responsible for the bad result. Everyone must bear the responsibility.”

He continued, “Everyone makes mistakes, including me, and no one is perfect. Coaching clubs is completely different from coaching the national team, and Ihab Jalal is a good coach with a respectable personality.”

He explained that his relationship with Egyptian football is very great, and he was keen to follow the Egyptian League constantly during the past years, stressing that the Enppi Club project was the reason for his approval of the task of training the petroleum team.

He continued, “What Helmy Tolan has done is a good job, as he left the team while he is in the ninth place in the league table, and I am trying to complete his career with the team.”

He concluded: “Enppi has presented many stars for Egyptian football, and the levels between the Egyptian League teams are currently close, and it is difficult to determine the best team.”

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