VIDEO: The new Goldilocks in the first shots. The remake of the beloved Czech fairy tale will arrive in cinemas in January

The Wondrous World of Goldilocks Reimagined

Ah, fairy tales! Those enchanting stories that most of us gobbled up as children. But let’s be honest: what could be more riveting than a story about a girl with golden locks breaking into someone else’s house? I mean, forget the rush of adrenaline that comes from skydiving or the thrill of bungee jumping; have you ever tried sneaking past a family of bears? Welcome to the brave new world of Goldilocks, brought to you by the scribbling genius of screenwriter Lucie Konášová!

For the first time in over half a century, this story of sweet, naive Goldilocks (who really needs to work on her boundary issues) is getting a makeover. It’s like a classic car getting a flashy new paint job, but hopefully without the whole “triggering an existential crisis” thing—looking at you, so-called classic Disney remakes.

Meet the Cast: The Past and Present

Rewind the clock to 1973, when Petr Štěpánek brought the character Jiřík to life, charming us all like a quiz show host at a family reunion. Fast forward to today, and he’s back—but this time he’s donned a crown to play Goldilocks’ dad, the king. Because what’s a modern fairy tale without parental involvement, right? Meanwhile, that dashing young Jiřík role is now up for grabs, with actor Tomáš Weber stepping into the shoes of a “youngman fighting for the favor of the golden-haired princess.”

Can you imagine being the 2025 version of Jiřík? You walk into audition singing your heart out, only to find out the spotlight’s already been claimed by a man used to fighting for favor! Fighting bears for the princess’s heart is one thing; fighting for a role in a beloved tale? That requires some serious backup (preferably not of the bear variety).

A Chatty Cast and Some Unlikely Companions

This new adaptation promises more than just a story of a girl and her questionable choices; it features a delightful cast of talking animals. Because nothing says “adaptation” quite like anthropomorphized creatures stepping out of the woodwork to offer their two cents on young love. And let’s not forget our heroine, the princess herself, played by the talented Jasmína Houf. It’s like she’s taking the lead in a rom-com—minus the romantic comedy aspect and with a bit more bear-jumping.

Jasmína praises her co-stars, especially Marek Lambora, who apparently isn’t just offering coaching tips but also sharing jokes to keep everyone in high spirits. Note to self: Next casting session, bring chocolate and dad jokes as an icebreaker!

Up Next: What to Expect

The teaser for this new version has just dropped, and it’s like a golden-haired beacon of hope for bored moviegoers everywhere. Premiering on January 23, 2025, this adaptation seems set to bridge generations, bringing in those nostalgic about the 70s while introducing the tale to a whole new audience. Think of it as a fairy tale therapy session: we’ll work through our baggage (talking bears, anyone?) while watching young Jiřík chase after his golden-haired dream.

So buckle up, folks! This isn’t just a classic fairy tale; it’s a tale wrapped in modernity, sprinkled with humor, and overflowing with talking animals. Get ready to dive back into a world of magic—let’s just hope Goldilocks remembers that bears and royal families don’t appreciate intruders!

Stay tuned, because if Goldilocks can find the perfect chair, perhaps we can find a seat in this newfound narrative that respects the past while venturing boldly into the future!

The new version of the popular fairy tale Goldilocks from the pen of the screenwriter Lucie Konášová reveals for the first time what its adaptation will look like after more than 50 years.

At that time, Petr Štěpánek played the main role of Jiřík, but the audience will not miss him this time either. In the new fairy tale, he will be introduced as the king, Goldilocks’ father, and actor Tomáš Weber took over his role. In addition to him, Marek Lambora, Jasmína Houf, Ján Jackuliak, Marián Mitaš, Tomáš Matonoha and Jan Budař will also appear in the film. The makers have now unveiled the first teaser of the film, which will hit theaters on January 23, 2025.

In 1973, she included a TV fairy tale at the time Goldilocks Petr Štěpánek as Jiřík among the acting idols. Now the popular actor returns in the role of the king, and actor Tomáš Weber will play his original role of a young man fighting for the favor of the golden-haired princess. “It’s a great honor for me and it was a great challenge for my homeland to remake a classic while respecting the Czech fairy tale tradition,” explained Tomáš Weber, who can currently be seen in cinemas, for example, in Jiří Mádl’s film Waves. “Obviously, this scenario is a bit different than back then and it has a lot of talking animals. Here, too, Jiřík goes after Goldilocks, but he is accompanied by animals,” Petr Štěpánek added to the script.


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Princess Goldilocks, for whom Jiřík and Štěpán are somewhat competing, is played by the young actress Jasmína Houf. And she also praises the cooperation with a more experienced colleague. “The film environment is new to me and Marek Lambora helped me a lot. He advised me that it was not self-centered, we discussed our dialogues, we confided our ideas to each other. When I was very nervous and something failed, he always supported me. And besides, he’s incredible fun,” confided the young Goldilocks.

Premiere Goldilocks is scheduled for January 23, 2025.



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