Video: students found a two-meter alligator in the courtyard of a school in Corrientes

Back to school, the students of a rural school in Corrientes were surprised by a peculiar discovery in the courtyard of the educational establishment. An almost two-meter alligator was resting meters from the classrooms and was found by the students when they entered classes.

The event occurred at Elementary School No. 632 “Julia Milessi de Báez”, located in Paraje Santa Librada de Esquina. The animal was lying on the side of a wall above a puddle.

“We found this poor animal under the bell. A fairly large alligator was surely dead of thirst”, described the teacher who was filming and who uploaded the video to his social networks, which quickly went viral.

From the school they alerted the rural police of Corrientes. The teacher who made the call explained that “we called the police station because there are no loopholes or anything to release it. We will have to be very careful with him.”

The police officers reached the place where they took the reptile by the tail while another uniformed man grabbed it by the jaw with a rope. The entire sequence occurred before the eyes of the students and teachers of the school.

“The most important thing is that he is well and safe. We are going to find a place where there is a lot of water in the area”, said the cash in charge of the rescue operation.

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