On Friday Snoop Dogg carried the Olympic flame for a while in the town of Saint-Denis near Paris. The event was recorded by a series of natural cameras, a video from the recordings was also uploaded to the official social media pages of the Olympics, where the American rapper performs his honorable task in slow motion, in his particular relaxed style, waving to the onlookers and dancing, while in the background one of the most famous, Dr. Dre-vel common, The Next Episode the intro of his song can be heard.
Snoooooop 🙌 The torch is in safe hands 👀
they wrote to the post.
The marketing team of the Paris Olympics started promoting the sports event long before the five-ring games, the TikTokon for example, they gained a lot of popularity months ago with their funny, sometimes satirical, self-deprecating videos.
Snoooooop 🙌
The Torch is in safe hands 👀
Palalalala, but who is there? 👀
The Flame is in good hands.Follow today’s stage live on @FranceTV : https://t.co/TWcSUAw0vu#Paris2024 @SnoopDogg @Olympics @NBCOlympics @TeamUSA
📹 Paris 2024 pic.twitter.com/v6l2nhNI4T— Paris 2024 (@Paris2024) July 26, 2024
It is interesting that, apart from the rapper, he also carried the flame on the section between Saint-Denis and Paris, among other things Pharrell Williams and Laetitia Casta is.
This was not Snoop Dogg’s only task during the Olympics, as he will be an on-site reporter. The invitation was certainly not necessarily based on the professional, but rather on the basis of humor.