Video: She pulls out the card for fairness on the pitch

2023-09-17 15:38:25

Alina Mitterlechner from Kuchl is one of the few women in the referee business. Your part-time job is also a life school.

Why hardly anyone wants to become a referee anymore, and especially not a referee, is difficult to ignore in the football game Großgmain once morest Hallein 1b. Sexist insults are used that reduce women to nothing more than their sexual organs. Progressive masculinity is missing. And who cares regarding that?

At least not 18-year-old Alina Mitterlechner. She is a referee for the Salzburg Football Association. “Unfortunately, that’s part of it. If someone provokes me, it has nothing to do with my personality. I’m in my role for 90 minutes and don’t respond to it,” says the Kuchler. On the pitch it is important to solve problems and deal with emotions. To keep a cool head. Knowing how to take action in every situation. To appear confident. Refereeing is therefore a good school of life: “You are constantly developing and growing beyond yourself. If I compare how I go on the pitch now and what it was like at the beginning, it’s a world apart.”

It all started with a game and a woman, says Mitterlechner. “When I was 15 years old, I saw Marina Zechner refereeing in the regional league in Kuchl. Taking on the referee role as a woman on the football field is still atypical. From then on it was clear to me that I wanted to do that too. “

Many people didn’t trust themselves to be in charge on the pitch, especially as a woman. “We mainly referee men’s games and have to show even more that we won’t let ourselves be ripped off,” says Mitterlechner. But it shouldn’t make any difference whether it’s a man or a woman standing there.

The ambitious Kuchler wants to be a role model for the emancipation of women in football. She also wants to dispel referee clichés: “People always ask why I do this to myself. They think of pack formations, negative shouts. But I also get a lot of positive feedback and am praised by spectators. That’s exactly why I have so much joy to it.” After the game in Großgmain, a player from the losing team even said: “The referee deserves respect.”

Mitterlechner was enthusiastic regarding football as a child. When her brother, who was two years younger, played in children’s tournaments in Kuchl, the whole family went to the course. But she never played herself: “I never had much talent as a footballer. When it comes to refereeing, I’m just interested in the sport.” She learned to read a football game through her experience on the pitch and her time as a referee.

In addition to kindergarten school, refereeing is her second important job and a nice pocket money. The student is still unclear regarding what will happen next following graduating from high school. But she wants to stick with refereeing: “I’m at the beginning of my career. A dream and milestone in the next few years will be to referee an international test match.”

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