Video: panic over shots during children’s game on Alameda courts | THE UNIVERSAL

The Bolívar Soccer League plans to restrict the access of parents or companions to the fields where the matches are played due to the unusual event that occurred on the followingnoon of this Sunday, July 31, in which a person activated a firearm in full play.

The moment of panic experienced by the children who played the match and the other attendees at the sports venue was recorded on videos, in which people are seen running and shots are heard.

In the League they confirmed that the incident occurred following 1:00 in the followingnoon, while the Squad and Lyon teams from France were facing each other, in the sub 9 category.

Apparently, an arbitration decision caused the anger of the father of one of the footballers, who took out a firearm and began to shoot in the air.

According to a member of the Football League, a meeting will be held tomorrow in which they will analyze the situation and the measure would be taken to restrict access to parties accompanying them.

It would also be contemplated to denounce the father of the family.

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