Video.. Moments of a luxury yacht sinking despite rescue attempts

A luxury yacht sank off the southern coast of Italy, Saturday, in a shocking capsizing accident, which was documented in a video clip, and shared by the Italian Coast Guard on Twitter.

The video shows the yacht named “my saga‘, a 130-foot (about 40-meter) boat, struggling against the waves, before slowly sinking into the water.

newspaper quotes Washington Post Local media reported that the yacht was sailing from Turkey’s Gallipoli peninsula to Milazzo, in Sicily, Italy, on Saturday, when it began sucking up water and eventually sank a few hours after taking off, about nine nautical miles off the port of Catanzaro.

The Coast Guard said on Twitter that all the people on board the yacht were rescued and that no one was hurt, confirming that an investigation had been opened into the accident.

The yacht first reported a problem on Saturday after sailing from Gallipoli, according to the agency forget Italian.

Patrol boats from the Italian Coast Guard in Crotone and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) were dispatched to the site.

The coast guard found the yacht with water flowing from its stern, and carried the passengers and one of the crew with it.

According to an Italian official, who asked not to be named, the yacht was flying the Cayman flag, and was owned by a Danish company.

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He added that the group on board the boat, when it was submerged, included six Italians, two Danes and a South African.

Meanwhile, a boat belonging to a rescue company contracted by the owner of the yacht arrived, and the rest of the crew, including the captain, was transferred to the rescue boat, before starting to try to pull the yacht towards Croton, but the bad weather and putting the tilted yacht in the water made the rescue process difficult.

In the end, the tugboat abandoned the yacht, causing it to sink in the Squillas Bay.

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