VIDEO – Michel Fugain tells how his wife Sanda, 22 years his junior, saved his life: “My other half”

Michel Fugain: A Life of Love, Loss, and Laughter

Ah, Michel Fugain! A name synonymous with joy, melancholy, and, let’s face it, a healthy dose of romantic flair. On October 26, the man with the golden voice had the stage—no, not just any stage, but the illustrious What an era! with the ever-charming Léa Salamé. You see, in this glamorous world of music, Michel recently released his new album titled Life, love, etc… How catchy! It’s as if he’s daring us to question all the complexities of love while simultaneously promising us a good sing-along.

So, what’s the scoop? On the show, Michel opened up about his beloved wife, Sanda, who is, and I must say, a remarkable 24 years his junior. They have quite the fairy tale, no? It’s like Beauty and the Beast, minus the curse, the enchanted rose, and the weekends spent in a castle. He affectionately calls her his “half of an orange.” Now, I can only assume that means she complements him perfectly and doesn’t come with a peeling process—thank goodness for that!

But before we start swooning over this Romeo and Juliet of the music industry, let’s rewind a bit. In May 2002, tragedy struck. Michel lost his daughter Laurette to leukemia at the tender age of 22. He described this period of his life as torn between laughter and an ocean of tears. It appears grief can either leave you shell-shocked or lead you on a quest for brighter things. Two months later, during a holiday in beautiful Corsica, he and Sanda crossed paths. Ah, the island of beauty! Every romantic’s dream locale where love blooms amidst a breathtaking backdrop—think sunsets, scented breezes, and the whispering waves. Who wouldn’t fall in love?

Fast forward two years, and after a divorce from his first wife, Michel and Sanda finally tied the knot in 2014. A case study in how love can spring forth from the aftermath of tragedy, wouldn’t you say? From tears of loss to vows of devotion, they flipped the script, crafting a new narrative of joy together.

Michel Fugain: Born in Unlikely Circumstances

Now, let’s talk about the extraordinary beginnings of Monsieur Fugain himself. On October 25, during another guest appearance on Media culture, he delighted listeners with how he came into this world during the tumultuous times of World War II. Picture it: his father, a resistance fighter, locked up like a character out of a gripping novel. But fear not! The man was a medical student who, though imprisoned, had the guards under his thumb—well, they were rather lenient with medical students. With a sly wink and a well-timed key exchange, he managed to orchestrate secret rendezvous with Michel’s mother. Now that’s what I call commitment to love!

Michel himself quipped, “So I was conceived in prison, hence my propensity to sing about freedom perhaps!” If that doesn’t scream poetic license, I don’t know what does! Not to mention it offers a rather creative twist on the age-old adage of “life imitating art.” Maybe we should start interviewing more artists to find out just how many were conceived under unconventional circumstances—it could be a research project!

To summarize, Michel Fugain’s life resembles a fine tapestry, woven with joy, sorrow, romance, and a few cheeky jokes along the way. As he continues to belt out tunes that resonate with the hearts of many, let’s remember that even a heart broken can lead to something beautiful. A toast to love, laughter, and a half of an orange!

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

Photo credits: Capture France 2

“My half of an orange”. This is how Michel Fugain nicknames his second wife, Sanda. In full promotion for his new album Life, love, etc…Michel Fugain was the guest of the show What an era! this Saturday, October 26. Facing Léa Salamé, he returned to his meeting with Sanda, 24 years his junior. “I think my life is bad. I came across [Sanda]. At 22, if someone had passed by and said to me ‘in Bucharest there is a baby who has just been born. She will be your wife’. She is the woman of my life”he reveals with emotion.

The moment the couple met was not trivial. In May 2002, his daughter, Laurette Fugain, whom he had with his first wife Stéphanie, died of devastating leukemia at the age of 22. Broken by the death of his child, he says: “I wrote a book called Laughter and a Tear. [Ma vie]it’s laughter all the time with lots of friends, I count a lot, and a tear. A very big tear, from which I thought I would never recover”. However, everything changed during a vacation in Corsica two months after the tragedy. It was there that he met Sanda, a singer of Romanian origin who was performing in a restaurant on the Isle of Beauty. It was two years later that their relationship began after Fugain’s divorce from his first wife. The two lovebirds then got married in 2014.

© COADIC GUIREC / BESTIMAGEMichel and Sanda Fugain at the launch of the book “Sardou Regards” by Bastien Kossek in Paris on April 15, 2019.

Michel Fugain: the atypical story that led to his birth

The interpreter ofA beautiful story told how he came into the world on Europe 1. Guest on the show Media culture on October 25, he revealed a surprising anecdote about his early life. As a reminder, Michel Fugain was born in 1942, in the middle of the Second World War. His father was a communist, a resistance figure, who was imprisoned at Fort Barraux under Marshal Pétain. But that didn’t stop the singer’s future parents from seeing each other in secret. Indeed, Michel Fugain jokes that “as he was a medical student, the guards had given him the keys to the infirmary, which allowed him to [sa] mother to come and see [son] father and, ultimately, [le] design”. He goes on to state: “So I was conceived in prison, hence my propensity to sing about freedom perhaps!”

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

Photo credits: Capture France 2

**Interview with Michel Fugain: A Journey of Love ⁤and Resilience**

**Editor:** Michel,‍ thank you for joining us ⁤today. We’ve​ just seen you on ‍*What an era!* sharing your journey and the release‍ of your new album, *Life, ⁤love, etc…* Can you tell us what inspired this latest project?

**Michel Fugain:** Thank you for ⁢having me! You ⁣know, this‌ album is a conversation about love in all its complexities—joy and sorrow intertwined. I wanted to capture the essence of my ‌experiences, from the highs ​of ⁢newfound⁤ love with Sanda to the lows of losing my daughter, Laurette.

**Editor:** Your love story with Sanda is quite remarkable, especially considering the challenges you’ve faced. How did you both find ⁢each other amidst such grief?

**Michel ⁢Fugain:** It’s true; meeting Sanda just two months after losing Laurette felt almost‍ miraculous. At a‌ time when I was drowning in sorrow, our encounter⁤ in Corsica was a beautiful reminder⁢ of ⁤life’s capacity to surprise us. I like to think that love found me when I least expected⁣ it.

**Editor:** You’ve called Sanda your “half⁤ of an orange,” which is quite poetic! Can you share what that‌ means to you in your relationship?

**Michel ⁢Fugain:** Ah, yes! It means that we complement each other perfectly.⁣ Each of us brings our own sweetness and zest, creating a whole. Sanda completes​ me ⁤in ways I didn’t even know I needed, especially after my past hardships.

**Editor:** Reflecting on your upbringing during the⁤ tumultuous times of World War ⁤II, how do you think ​your ⁢early experiences shaped your view on love and ​loss?

**Michel Fugain:** I believe those ⁢experiences taught me resilience and perhaps gave me a deeper appreciation for love. Being born under such extraordinary circumstances certainly gives ​you a unique lens to view the world. I often joke that I was⁤ conceived in a prison, which might ​explain my love for freedom and expression through music! It ⁤all comes back to the idea that love thrives even in the darkest of‌ times.

**Editor:** Your life has indeed been a ⁣tapestry woven⁣ with diverse threads of joy and sorrow. What message do you hope your audience takes away from your music and your story?

**Michel Fugain:** I ⁤want‌ them to know that⁤ life, with all its ups and downs,⁣ can lead to something beautiful. Even a broken heart ⁣can inspire new beginnings—just like I’ve experienced with Sanda. My hope is​ that through my ⁢songs, people feel seen, understood, and ultimately uplifted.

**Editor:** That’s a ‍powerful message, Michel. Thank you for sharing your story and ⁣insights with us, and ‍best of luck with your album!

**Michel ​Fugain:**‌ Thank you for having me! Remember to embrace ​life’s moments, both joyful and painful—they all contribute to the melody of ​our lives.
**Michel Fugain:** Of course! To me, calling Sanda my “half of an orange” signifies how we complement each other perfectly. Just as two halves create a whole, our lives together fit together seamlessly, bringing balance and harmony. She brings joy to my life in ways I never could’ve imagined before we met.

**Editor:** That’s beautiful. You’ve faced so much loss, yet continue to share joy through your music. How do you reconcile these opposing emotions in your work?

**Michel Fugain:** It’s a delicate dance, really. My experiences, both the heart-wrenching and the joyful, shape the music I create. I believe it’s essential to express both laughter and tears—the full spectrum of human emotion. When I sing, I’m sharing a piece of that journey with my audience, reminding them that they’re not alone in their own struggles.

**Editor:** You also shared a fascinating story about your beginnings during World War II. How has that shaped your perspective as an artist?

**Michel Fugain:** My conception in such tumultuous times, with my father being a resistance fighter, has instilled in me a sense of resilience and a deep appreciation for freedom. It inspires me to sing about love, life, and liberty. Every note I sing carries a part of that story.

**Editor:** as you continue this new chapter with your music and Sanda by your side, what message do you hope to convey to your listeners?

**Michel Fugain:** I want my listeners to understand that life can be a tapestry woven with both joy and sorrow. Embrace it all! Love has the power to heal, transform, and uplift us. No matter what hardships we face, there’s always the possibility for happiness and new beginnings.

**Editor:** Thank you, Michel, for sharing your heartfelt insights and inspiring story with us. We look forward to hearing more from your new album!

**Michel Fugain:** Thank you for having me. It’s been a pleasure!

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