Video.. Collapse of a runway during a bullfight, dozens of people fall

At least four people were killed and 30 others seriously injured in Colombia, Sunday, when a runway collapsed at a bullring during a popular event, according to AFP, citing officials.

“There are four dead at the moment, two women, a man and a child,” Jose Ricardo Orozco, governor of Tolima province, told local radio after the incident in El Espinal.

An entire section of three floors of the wooden runways filled with spectators collapsed, causing dozens of people to fall to the ground, according to photos. and videos Posted on social media.

Orozco added, “There are about 30 people who were seriously injured… This is a preliminary toll,” noting that emergency personnel are still transporting the wounded to area hospitals for treatment.

The local civil defense official, Luis Fernando Velez, said he did not know yet how many people were still under the rubble, but indicated that the runway was full when it collapsed.

The event was part of the festivities surrounding the region’s most popular San Pedro Festival.

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