VIDEO. Big fright on takeoff: the pilot of this A380 loses control of the plane because of an invisible phenomenon

A great fright for the passengers of this flight.

This Tuesday, March 28, 2023, a Airbus A380 from Asiana Airlines had just taken off from Los Angeles airport (United States) when its pilot lost control of it.

In a video from the LA Flights YouTube channel, the aircraft can be seen lean ominously left and right, without the men on board the cockpit obviously being able to do anything about it. However, the meteorological conditions seemed optimal to ensure the safety of the take-off.

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“Wake Turbulence”

According lemon squeezer reporting on this case, the plane was subjected to a rare and invisible phenomenon known as “wake turbulence” (“wake turbulence”, in French). It is made possible by adequate wind and two close take-offs. Indeed, this phenomenon is partly caused by disturbances in the atmosphere, which are themselves caused by the recent passage of another jet plane.

To prevent this phenomenon from occurring, it is therefore sufficient to space out the take-offs. In this case, these deadlines had not been respected. Airports are often criticized for ignoring these waiting times to increase their capacity.

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