[VIDÉO] Ambassador Bridge: Police evict protesters

Windsor police, with a much larger force than before, began clearing ‘freedom convoy’ protesters from the area around the Ambassador Bridge.

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“Windsor Police and their policing partners have begun law enforcement at and near the Ambassador Bridge. We urge all protesters to act lawfully and peacefully. Supporters are still asked to avoid areas affected by protests at this time,” the police service said Saturday morning on its account. Twitter.

Several motorists leave the scene and a few diehards, mostly pedestrians, remain on the spot.

On Friday, an injunction to evict protesters who have been blocking traffic since Monday on the Ambassador Bridge linking the city of Detroit in the United States with Windsor, Ontario, was granted following a hearing in the Superior Court of Justice of the ‘Ontario.

But the injunction had not shaken the demonstrators, who said they were determined to go through with their action.

The shutdown has caused disruption to the auto industry on both sides of the border.

The anti-sanitary measures challenge that has shaken Canada for two weeks started, at the start, from the movement of Canadian truckers against the obligation to vaccinate to cross the border with the United States. The demonstrators, who block the federal capital Ottawa and several important border axes with the United States, are now demanding the lifting of all health restrictions.

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